Childe [spicy but not not rlly zesty]

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pinning up my fringe to do skincare is so humbling 😀😀😀

also if there are any childe haters around here, then bad times are coming for you im afraid🙈


"Are you sure you know how to use it?" you asked as you watched Childe putting his gun behind his belt.

He smiled in response.

"Stop acting like you have a higher body count than I do, y/n" he winked at you and you inhaled loudly. "Relax, I'm a professional."

"We'll see about that" you murmured displeased.

You were used to completing your assignments on your own. As your collaboration with the local mafia has been going on for over ten years now and throughout all this time you'd proven to be reliable, it was only natural for your rank to rise. And with it, rose the trust that mafia put into you.

Thus, most of your jobs were delicate matters, requiring absolute precision and that was exactly why you worked alone.

Up until today, of course.

Just a few hours ago you recieved a rather unfortune notice about your collaboration with that... Childe.

You had never heard of him but he probably wasn't all bad; Apparently he did have some notable hits and was quite skilled. You were certain that as mafia's trusted assassin he must have been good to make it out alive up to this point.

The problem was that he was now your partner. An embarrassing and most unfortunate turn of events indeed, since it meant that mafia probally was planning to replace you soon. After all, they also informed you that you would not be operating in the field until further notice.

It was kind of obvious, something was going on behind the scenes.

"Want to hit the gym first?" Childe finally finished getting ready and was now standing in front of you with his arms crossed on his chest. He was looking down on you with a friendly smile.

You didn't feel like reciprocating it.

"We should get to work right away" you pointed out, your lips pressed in a line. "I'd like to see you in action."

Childe beamed.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, really." You sighed as you passed him and walked out from the armory. "We can't work together if we don't know each other."

You heard his steps behind you and you couldn't stop yourself from rolling your eyes.

The gym was empty and quiet. After all it was still early morning.

"We could spar first" Childe suggested, suddenly appearing right next to you.

You jumped, scared. His steps were silenced by the softer floor and you didn't pay enough attention to him, to even notice him.

"Sounds good." You nodded.

Immediately, a strong hand caught youby your throat. Childe really didn't waste any second.

Grunting and with your head spinning, you kicked him in his stomach.

He bent and you jumped away. As you passed him grabbed the gun from behind his belt and pulled it out.

Childe coughed dryly, gasping for air as he dragged his feet, following your steps. He looked like a famished animal but somehow, he was still smiling. You felt shivers running down your limbs.

You carefully examined his face, from forehead, through eyebrows, temples watery eyes, sharp nose, cheekbones and up till jaw, thinking of the best place to target. You didn't want him injured, let alone dead. Not yet. You just needed something to knock him out for a moment.

"Did you really think it was going to be thay easy?" His voice was hoarse from coughing and his face seemed sharper and sickly in the artificial light.

You saw his muscles and tendons move with slow but smooth percision under his skin. He was like a machine and he would kill you, you realised.

"No, I didn't" you admitted, looking for a way not to get cornered by him. "But you just made it to be so."

He raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Oh, really?"

He jumped.

This time, he aimed for your chest. You let him. But instead of crashing your back against the wall, you grabbed Childe by his shirt and pushed him. With all the strength that he had intended to use on you, he hit the wall in your place.

His eyes widened , he gasped and almost lost his balance but you were quick to push him up against the wall harder and now, with a gun held under his chin.

"Yes. Really."

He opened his eyes as you spoke and his forehead relaxed gradually. You pressed the gun harder against his jaw but he smiled.

"You're good" he said quietly. "Good enough to beat me."

"And how do you like it?"

You realised that you still were grabbing onto his shirt with your hand. Quickly, you let go of it and instead, grabbed his shoulder and pressed it harder to the wall, locking it.

Childe's gaze followed your movements and, annoyingly enough, he seemed to havr been amused by you.

"I don't know." The corner of his mouth rose slightly. He was the one pushed up against the wall and it was you who held the gun pressed under his chin. Yet somehow it felt like it wasn't you, who was in control.  "You tell me, y/n."

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