Kaedehara Kazuha (again, cuz u can't stop me)

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Kazuha is like Taylor Swift.

1) both blondies

2) attractive & super cute & very very very pretty

3) occasionally they speak and flowers come out

4) they are both into music

5) red is their colour

6) autumn is their time of the year


sorri i dont make the rules, it is what it is.


"I will have to be going now" Kazuha said as he put on his trench coat.

You nodded, standing silently and leaning on the cold, hard wall. You would much rather put your head on Kazuha's shoulder just as you were doing it for the past few hours, listening to him read poetry from an old book, which surely remembered better days, that you both found at a bazaar. There was something heart-warming about it, that Kazuha and you gave a chance and home to a thing that was meant die silently with all its stories and memories in a nameless corner of a box.

"Bye then" you said with a faint smile.

Kazuha took his hand off the handle and took a step closer to you.

The smell of his perfume, coffee and spices hit you and his touch on your skin, as he caressed your cheek, made your stomach tighten.

"Oh my, don't make such a face". He sighed messing up your hair with his hand, while placing a kiss on your forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow".

"Okay" you said trying to sound convincing but you thought to yourself that tomorrow is a long time away. You knew you were just a little bit greedy and selfish, but you would rather Kazuha didn't leave. But he had his own life and it would be mean and quite pathetic of you to ask him to stay just because you wanted him to.

"Bye" he whispered leaving the last kiss on your lips and leaving you in an empty apartment.

You stood for a while in the hall staring at the door, with your mind completely blank.

"It would be nice if he forgot something and had to go back" you sighed but you knew it was pipe dream – Kazuha was way too efficient to leave his things behind.

"Stupid idiot. Why does he have to be so well-organized"?

You shook your head, trying to shake off the peculiar feeling you were left with, when Kaedehara walked out the door. You made your way to the kitchen with intention to be productive and not to think over and over again about this stupid Kaedehara. But just as you saw the table in the living room, with a plate with cookies you'd baked with Kazuha, and two mugs with unfinished coffee, your plan shattered into pieces.

You sighed, disappointed with yourself, leaning on the window frame. The view might have not been astonishing – you could see only a lawn in front of the building and a parking. But well, that last thing was exactly the reason you were wasting your time and staring through the glass. Kazuha had his car parked on this very parking and you could freely spy on him from behind the curtain, as he was leaning on the hood and smoking.

You frowned as something – or rather the lack of something - caught your eye.

Earlier, when you were taking a walk, Kazuha had a scarf on and now it was nowhere to be found.


Just as you said that you noticed a piece of clothing lying on the bookshelf, next to the old poetry book, suspiciously resembling Kaedehara's scarf.

"So you are forgetful after all" you smiled, grabbing the piece of garment and putting on the first coat that got into your hands. You didn't bother to change your slippers to boots – after all you were only going out to give the scarf back to Kaedehara and quickly go back.

You ran outside, trembling and cursing yourself for not wearing more clothes or at least a hats.

"Yikes" you murmured under your breath as you trotted through the lawn and got your slippers soaked. "Maybe I was the stupid idiot all along...?"

"y/n?" Kazuha noticed you in the distance and you just waved with his scarf. He threw away his cigarette but when you finally stood face to face with him, you could still smell the smoke hanging in the air.

"I came to rescue you" you announced, wrapping the soft cloth around his neck. "Now, that's better" you said with a smile, admiring the results of your work.

Kazuha sure looked cute but there was something mesmerizing in the way, how he was leaning nonchalantly on the car and gazing at you with sparks in his eyes and a crooked smile on his lips.

"Thanks". Kaedehara grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer to him, catching you off guard and making you lose your balance and fall into his arms.

"Whoopsie" he said with an innocent smile.

You tried to give him a cold shoulder but you couldn't even pretend to be annoyed with him – not when his hands slipped under your sweater and not his lips were so close, that they were brushing against yours. His fingers were ice-cold and the touch of skin sent shivers down your spine.

"Wait a moment". You frowned, pulling away from him and giving him a mistrustful look. "Where are your gloves?"

Kazuha only smiled as he pulled you closer again and buried his face in your hair, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"You smell like cookies" he whispered and after a second added: "Is that my perfume you have on?"

You felt your cheeks started burning at those words.

"Don't change the subject please" you murmured. "Gloves, Kazuha. Where are they?"

"I... I might have or might have not left them at your place..." he said slowly.

"Yhm". You nodded, desperately trying to keep a straight face, seeing Kazuha blush. "So the scarf... You left it behind on purpose, didn't you?"


"Kaedehara Kazuha".

"Okay fine, you're right".

"That's better" you nodded, pleased with the answer. "So it was all a part of your mischievous plan, huh?"

"I mean... It worked". He shrugged. "You came to see me and I have a good reason to go back to your place".

"Evil genius" you sighed laughing. "No, but actually, you're silly, Kazuha".

"Huh? Mean" he cried.

"If you wanted to stay, you needed only to ask" you sighed.

"But you could have said 'no'..."

"Why would I?"

"Because it's not exactly appropriate..." You shut Kaedehara up with a kiss. It was very much out of the blue but he didn't let such a chance slip through his fingers.

"Who cares" you whispered into his lips.

Kazuha rose his eyebrow, giving you a curious look.

"Fair point" he agreed, leaning to kiss you again. "So, if I asked you, if I may stay overnight, what would you say, y/n?"

"You love to ask silly questions, don't you" you sighed pressing your lips to his.

"And you love it when I do it, don't you?"

You preferred not to answer. Besides, Kazuha already knew what would you say.

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