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guess who is playing genshin and going away to drown their sorrows in the sea and coffee instead of studying for summatives :D

It was yet another day in Mondstadt and yet another sunrise greeted you as you left your house and everything was it had been last night but still, things felt a bit out of the ordinary. After all, today was the Windblume Festival. The preparations were being made and as you walked through the city, getting closer to the plaza, you saw more and more decorations and the atmosphere was getting more and more festive. People of Mondstadt were rather cheerful on the daily basis but today as they were celebrating the most important day of the year everyone was sparkling with excitement, joyfulness and everything seemed to be almost magical and you just couldn't help but admire it. At times like this, you were reminded that the City of Freedom would forever have a special place in your heart.

Of course, Liyue and Inazuma were great in their own, unique way and you were grateful for the time you got to spend there and for all the people you've met and you couldn't wait to hit the road again and see the rest of Teyvant. There was still a whole wide world to see but still, Mondstadt was the place you wanted to come back, time after time. For some reason the starry sky above this city always made you feel at home.

Finally, you got to the plaza, only to be welcomed by a quiet colourful crowd standing under Anemo Archon's Statue and sounds of a harp carried above people's heads by the wind. You smiled even more hearing the sweet crystal clear voice singing a ballad that you've heard more than a thousand times at a tavern, and carefully, you made your way to the front row. You were there just in time to applaud the bard and rise his ego above a reasonable, healthy level.

It took a long, very long while but finally people started to leave and at long last, you had a chance to catch bard's attention.

"y/n!" The same voice that was singing before called your name and to be honest, although you've heard it way more than million of times already, your heart skipped a beat when you heard it.

"Hi there, Barbietoes". You felt blood rushing to your face, when your eyes met with Venti's and he smiled at you brightly.

"Why are you always calling me that" he sighed, pretending to be disappointed. "Seriously, my name is not that hard to remember, is it?"

"I have no idea, Tone-Deaf Bard".

"Oh, c'mon now" Venti gave you a crooked smile. "I saw how you were applauding me and, honestly you seemed to enjoy my little performance".

"Your eyes are failing you terribly, I'm afraid".

"Maybe". He giggled. "I'm blinded by your beauty, so I guess that's why".

You rolled your eyes and kicked Barbatos in his ankle.

"Aw! What you did that for?" Venti looked at you with sad puppy eyes, almost as if you'd betrayed him or something.

"You're a fool" you said with simplicity. You really liked to use this very sentence – it explained and justified all of your little acts of violence against Barbietoes.

"For you? Always" Venti said and gave you a grin but he seemed to sense the incoming danger because he swiftly changed the topic.

"Sooo, how do you like the Windblume Festival, y/n?" he asked without missing a beat.

"I mean, it barely started, so I can't say anything. But so far, I'm having a good time" you said. "I don't know if it makes any sense but on such a day Mondstadt feels more Mondstadtish than normally. Like, you can feel the whole happiness, joy and freedom and you just feel so alive..." you stopped, feeling a bit silly for saying all that but to your surprise, you noticed that Venti was gazing at you with interest.

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