Cyno [brainrot]

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youtube hates me and i cant post povs in the comments even if i cut them in lil pieces (i never copy-pasted so much before istg) so here yall go you have to suffer im afraid

and id really appreciate if you shared my povs if u find them entertaining cuz fr now that i cant camp in yt comment section for some reason ig im kinda invisible???

i hope you enjoy my silly lil pov over here tho :3

"Found you" a quiet voice echoed through the hall.

"Missed me?" you turned around and leaned on the doorframe watching a whitehaired man walk up to you slowly, passing dead bodies along his way.

"How could I not?"

"And I see you've made sure to have my attention only for yourself, Cyno" you pointed out, glancing at the bloody corpses lying evrywhere on the floor.

You coild almost feel the metalic taste of blood on your tongue.

"Can you blame me?" he asked with a smirk. "We rarely get a chance to speak. I wanted to make the most of it." He was now just right next to you and you could feel his breath brushing against your skin. "And you know I get jealous easily."

You rolled your eyes as Cyno smiled and took a step back, standing in front of you, with bloody stains on his suit and golden rings. He looked perfect apart from a cut on his cheek. Cyno had his eyes fixed on you and despite how much you wanted to, you just couldn't look away. He was a menace but unfortunatelly a mesmerizing one.

"Do you have the package?" you asked.

He nodded. The smile disappeared from his face and his gaze grew cold. You were always fascinated by how he could change himself so quickly and easily.

"Of course." He took out a small box out of his pocket but as you extended your hand to grab it, he took it away from you.

"Not so fast" he growled.

You frowned confused, when suddenly he grabbed you by the collar and pushed you up against the wall so hard that for a moment you lost your vision and breath.

Cyno was pushing you into the wall with his body and you felt the warmth of his skin and his hand carefully traveling down from your neck, to shoulders, back, chest, stomach and hips and finally taking your knife. He knew you all too well.

You hissed and shivered as suddenly something cold got pressedt against your chin.

A gun.

"I don't trust you and you can't blame me for that" Cyno said quietly and you smiled. "Now, be good and don't test my patience."

"Is there something I'm missing?" you asked slowly. "The deal is done, Cyno. Now give me the package or..."

"Or what, darling?" He raised an eyebrow with a slight crooked smile creeping onto his face. "You're not in any position to threaten me." To emphasize his words, he pressed the gun harder. "And no, the deal is not done. They haven't told you, have they?"

Cyno was observing you amused.

"What haven't they told me?" You felt as your breath was getting heavier and as your heart was beating faster.

Cyno gently brushed his fingertips against your temple and brushed away hair from your forehead. His gaze seemed almost kind but a smile on his lips - a hungry, crooked smile of a hunter who just caught his prey - made you shiver.

"You are the price for the box, y/n."

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