Yae Miko [fluff]

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good evening besties, i trust you are having a wonderful *place a name of a current time of the day* because i certainly am (not) cuz i have classes and a shit ton of work and pressure that i put on myself :D i mean, it's nice and all but i kinda miss sleeping till im tired of it ;-;

anywayssss here's a pov and i hope ya'll have fun reading and well i was half-conscious while writing so i take absoluty no responsibility for what i have done. see ya besties <3


The night was getting colder, it was getting late and it was about time to go home. But you didn't feel like leaving – it was good as it was right now: standing on an empty, quiet street, lightened up by lanterns and their artificial brightness, with a bouquet of daisies in your one hand and with warm, delicate fingers wrapped around the other.

"I think it's time to say goodbye" Yae said suddenly.

You knew she was (probably) right and it was a reasonable thing to do – it was well past midnight and you both were tiered. But you really didn't feel like leaving.

The sky tonight was dark, starless, with a very, very small and barely visible moon but you didn't need them to be happy. Right now, you could even imagine that the city lights sinking in the fog around you were thousands of artificial stars. And you could even believe that they were beautiful.

And all that because of a person next to you.

There was something magical about how she made you feel and how even a whole eternity with her wouldn't be enough and you would still want more. She was the one and only, the wise and beautiful and you didn't really notice when you gave your heart to her – you were half way through when you realized it started. And she was half of your soul, as the poets say.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" you asked her, while playing with her fingers and then remembered, that tomorrow was already here. "I mean today but like... Later"

Yae rose her eyebrow, quite amused by how you were trying your best to make any sense and stay focused.

"I'm at work". She smiled at you. "It's Monday".

"Oh". Somehow, your silly forgetful brain didn't remember what day of the week it was. You hoped to spend more time with Yae but this sudden crash with reality reminded you – with all the cruelty – that her world didn't spin around you, and she had other things to do (not only you) and she was simply busy. You knew how much her career meant to her and how dedicated to it she was, so it was obvious that you didn't want to bother Yae when she was working and focusing on more important matters than spending time with a silly little bean, that is – with you.

"Ah, you're hopeless, my love" she sighed and put her hands in front of her. "Give me your hand please".

Of course, you gave her your hand obediently, just like she asked, and Yae took it gently and then - to your surprise – put a fine silver ring with a shiny pinkish crystal shaped as a fox's head on your finger. It fit perfectly.

"Here" she said as if everything was clear and understandable. But it wasn't.

"It's a part of my genius plan" Yae said. "You obviously won't come to visit me tomorrow, because I'm working and you don't want to bother me, correct?"

You nodded with a bit of hesitation.

"Oh, please my dear, don't make such a face". Yae pressed her hand to your cheek. "There's nothing wrong with the fact, that you're not showing up in my office at the most unexpected times. It's quite polite of you actually. I wouldn't do a thing if you were somewhere around, you know". She winked and leaned closer to you. "You're just to adorable".

You felt blood rushing to your face but Yae pretended not to notice and simply went on:

"So here's the plan: I'm leaving you with something mine – by accident, of course. You must have noticed by now, that I'm awfully forgetful". She smiled with her eyes closed. She looked so cute and lovely that you couldn't help it and kissed her gently. She laughed into your lips and deepened the kiss only to pull you away just a moment later. Now, you couldn't help it that you looked a bit disappointed.

"My, my" Yae chuckled. "Save this for later, dear. Now, as I was saying, as an incredibly forgetful person I'll leave my ring on your right ring finger and you – as an astonishingly well-mannered person – will naturally bring it back to me as soon as possible". You frowned and wanted to move your hand but Yae was fast to grab it and kiss your knuckles. "No, not now, you silly" she laughed. "I'm literally giving you an excuse to visit me in my office and you're going to let it slip through your fingers just like that?"

"I... Sorry. Well obviously I won't let it slip" you said and shook your head with a sigh. "Sorry, it's just... It's kind of late and I'm just not really thinking anymore".

"I know, my dear y/n, I know" Yae laughed under her breath as she caressed your cheek and suddenly she gave you a serious and concerned look. "You should take more care of yourself, y/n. You're definitely sleeping too little".

"Sorry". You truly didn't want her to give her a headache and worry her.

"Don't" she sighed. "Just please, promise me that you will at least try to sleep for more than five hours a day. And y/n,

You nodded and tried to smile but it didn't go too well, so you just placed a quick little kiss on Yae's lips. She smiled and she did it so beautifully and gracefully and she gave away with it so much of her heart, that her smile could be enough for the both of you. Even, if you alone couldn't make yourself feel at peace and ease it was good to know, that there was someone who could always share her calmness and joy with you.

"Good. Well then, is the plan clear?" Yae asked.

"Yessir". You nodded and she rolled her eyes with a smile.

"So, I'll see you at, hmm, let's say – 4 p.m. in my office. Is that okay?"

You nodded again.

But then, suddenly, you remembered the intimidating and prestigious atmosphere of Yae Publishing House and the elegancy of all the people working there – with Miss Miko as the queen of this whole dignified madness. You really didn't want to stand out too much and be an ugly duckling.

"Is something the matter, y/n?" Yae asked. She surely could see right through you easily.

"Well, I was just wondering" You started playing with her ring on your finger. "if I'm visiting you in your office, should I maybe wear something special tomorrow?"

Yae laughed under her breath as she caressed your cheek.

"Oh, don't bother about clothes, y/n" she said with a cute and a little mischievous smile. "We'll get rid of them rather quickly anyway, don't you think?"

You blushed again and Yae yet again pretended she didn't notice that; She smiled innocently, gave you a kiss on a cheek, leaving a lipstick stain in the shape of her lips on your skin and she was just about to go, when out of the blue, she seemed to remember something.

"Oh, and since this ring suits you so perfectly, y/n" she said "would you be so kind and bring me one of your rings for exchange perhaps? You know, so that I will have something to put on my ring finger. It looks so sad and empty".

"Huh?" You frowned. It was certainly way too late for you to think straight. And suddenly, it clicked. "Wait, if you gave me your ring and I'll give you mine and we both will put those rings on our ring fingers..."

A mischievous smile crept into Yae's face.

"It would make a quite good excuse to never say 'goodbye', don't you think?" she asked with her fair eyes sparkling in the lanterns' gloomy lights.

"I couldn't ask for a better one, Yae" you said and gave her your best smile.

She only laughed but the mere sound of her voice and the sight of her in this dark world, on this empty street, at this strange hour made you remember how much you loved her.

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