Scaramouche/Scaralumi [spicy spice]

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i missed writing scara spice

hope u enjoy


Lumine was leaning her back against the balcony banister and mindlessly gazing at the stars with her head tilted back, when suddenly she smelled a familiar scent.

Lit matches, cigarettes and somewhere behind that faint smell of freshly done laundry.
She looked down from the skies to see Scaramouche leaning on the banister beside her.

"Hi." She smiled at him.

He breathed out a cloud of smoke and his lips curved up slightly as his eyes met hers and gaze softened a little.

"Hey” he said quietly almost like he didn’t want to disturb the silence. For a moment they just gazed at each other. Lumine knew his face by heart but still  she couldn’t turn her eyes away. "I never thought I'd meet you here at this hour."

"Aw, so you actually think about me." Lumine giggled and Scaramouche rolled his eyes. "I never thought you do that."

He shook his head, sighing but even though he tried not to let his smile show, Lumine still saw it in the corners of his mouth. He put the cigarette between his lips and stared at the horizon. The city lights reflected in his eyes and made his features seem sharper yet more fragile. And with the smile looming on his lips, he seemed so distant that it was almost terrifying . Lumine wanted to know what was on his mind right now but she didn’t know if she should ask or if he would even tell her.


He instantly turned to her and a soft, shocked look appeared on his face as if he saw her for the first time in his life and realised something. Lumine saw it only for a split of a second and then he was back to his indifferent self but the warm weakening sensation his look gave her, stayed with her.

She cleared her throat a bit awkwardly as Scaramouche kept on smoking.

“Do you want to talk?” she finally asked.

He only raised an eyebrow.

“Why?” He put the cigarette down, not letting his eyes slip from Lumine’s face. “Is something wrong?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “You just seemed kinda...” Her eyes escaped his. “Off.”

Scaramouche was silent for a moment and Lumine began to wonder, whether she had push the matter too far.

“That’s all?” His brows furrowed.

She hesitated.


Scaramouche looked  at her, brow raised and a smile creeping onto his face.

“You care too much about meaningless nonsense.” He shook his head, took the cigarette into his lips again and his expression turned cold again and a gentle look in his eyes changed into an unbothered glare.

“If it makes you so absent-minded I don’t think it’s unimportant.” Lumine crossed her arms on her chest. She raised her gaze to meet his and pressed her lips together. Now she was sure she was pushing this too far but she couldn’t stop herself. If she didn’t say it now, she’d never say it. “And I want to know if I can help you.”

Scaramouche froze.

“You...” He didn’t know what to do. His cheeks were as he took a step closer towards her, locking his eyes with hers. “You really got your priorities wrong.”

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