Childe [angst]

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haha look at me posting low-quality shit online :))

but anyways besties


so yea i almost lost my mind trying to translate one of my short-stories (that Childe pov i mentioned in my post about kofi. this pov here was created under the influence of overwhelming rage, pls dont mind me) to English cuz my dumb-ass wrote almost 11 pages of text in Polish and now i cant even show this crap to you so im sad cuz like i actually think that it's genuinely good :c

and thus i'm looking for a good soul who will help me and translate about 11 pages of babbling from Polish to English :)) so if any of you would like to help me out or you know someone who would please dm me besties <3 i pay in love&gratitude and i may name my new dog/cat after you if get one and if you want. idk guys i'm desperate.


A blade cut the air violently, time after time and again.

You couldn't run forever – you knew it. And yet you were trying so hard to put off your destiny. You swung with your sword in desperation, taking hit after hit, dodging and fighting with all you've got but you already could feel in your bones who was going to win this battle.

The steel cut deep into your skin above your right hip. Your eyes widened in shock and pain as two swords fell on the ground with an echoing cling.

You gasped desperately for air.

Why? – you wanted to scream but your throat tightened. Besides, all the answers were already in the blood-shot eyes of the man staring at you in terror. You only had to look carefully but all of the sudden, you felt so, so tired and the ground escaped from under your feet.

"y/n!" Childe caught you just before you hit the floor.

You gave him a weak smile.

The wound on your side was painful and it felt as if it was burning. The rest of your body went completely numb and you couldn't even tell if Tartaglia's fingers were clenching around your throat or around your hand. Your eyes stung and something run down your cheeks. Probably tears but were they yours or were they Childe's – you didn't know.

Blood was dripping silently on the floor. Your blood.

"y/n I..." His voice cracked and you thought to yourself that maybe, just maybe, there was something tragic about all of this; He had to kill you but it killed him just the same and so at the end, you both die.

And now, Tartaglia was trembling, as he was kneeling in the growing paddle of your blood with you in his arms.

It was inevitable - you opposed the will of Tsaristsa and Childe, as her faithful soldier and one of her many tools, had to get disposed of the danger you posed to the Sneznaya's ruler. He had to stay loyal to the Harbingers and you had to stay loyal to yourself.

"You knew it had to happen eventually, Childe" you sighed quietly. Your eyelids were so heavy. If you could only close them for a second... "We both knew it. We were fated to end up like this even before it all had begun. Either you or I had to die".

"No, no". Tartaglia shook his head. "No!"

You wanted to reach your hand to his face and caress his cheek but you couldn't move your arm.

"The blade must have been drenched in poison, then" you thought. "Who would have guessed that Childe could be so efficient..." You felt your consciousness slipping away but you were too tired to even try to fight and hold on to it.

"y/n! Please don't...!" Childe cried. "y/n please don't leave me".

"It's too late now" you said. Your vision was blurry but you could still see his eyes, filled with tears and pain.

"I'm sorry, y/n... I never... Never meant to... If I had the choice..."

"If the price for your life is my death, then so be it" you said with a smile. "I have no regrets".

"y/n..." He was choking on his tears. "I'm so, so sorry. Please believe me, I never wanted this to happen. Never".

"I know" you whispered.

"Maybe in another life we could..."

"No, Tartaglia. Live this life so that you won't need another chance. Please".

"It's no use". Childe sounded so broken. "I fucked up before it all had even begun. I put my faith in the wrong people and made wrong oaths and I... I killed you". He took a deep breath in. "But if we ever meet again, y/n, I promise, I'm gonna make it alright. I will never hurt you and you will be the only one I will be faithful to" he said. "If you let me".

You wanted to look at his face for as long as you could but your eyes were closing on their own.

"I love you, Ajax. I always have and I always will". The pain started to fade, and so did you. "And if there's something after this life..." You needed to stop and take a breath. "...then let's find each other there and let's ".

And just before Death gave you the last kiss, Ajax brushed his lips against yours but even though he hold you tight, you fell into the darkness.


You woke up gasping and sweating.

"It was only a dream, a dream, a dream..." you repeated your usual mantra as your hand wandered to your right side, to the scar above your hip. It hurt. "A dream, a fucking dream".

You tried to calm your breath and just focus on the strong, warm arm wrapped around you. Darkness around you was a bit overwhelming and somehow, it reminded you of feelings and things, which you couldn't really pin down but which made you shiver. You leaned to the night table, to turn on the light, trying not to wake up Ajax, who was sleeping peacefully by your side. his red hair looking like a halo in the fainted light.

"It was just a dream" you whispered into the night, closing your eyes and burying your face in Ajax's shirt as he tightened his embrace, still asleep. You smiled but your scar still hurt.

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