Scaramouche [fluff]

963 27 34

written on a train between naps i felt very silly i hope u enjoy especially  

"Are you going to eat this?" Scaramouche pointed at the leftover olives on your plate.

"Hell no." You gave him a dead stare, as if his suggestion that you might be interested in touching, let alone eating olives was insane. "Are you going to drink this tea?"

Scaramouche glared at you and side-eyed the drink in question.

"It's... sweet." His face twitched on disgust.

You nodded and sighed grabbing your plate to put it in front of him as Scaramouche took his tea and passed it over to you.

Just as you were trying to take a sip of your newly recieved drink and Scaramouche was enjoying his olives, a waitress came by your table.

"Do you guys ever think that you should try a different restaurant next time? I mean, you're here like every week" she asked but noticing her manager nearby she quickly added:

"Or maybe stop always ordering the same thing and try something new?"

Scaramouche put down his fork and you put down your tea. Both of you stared at each other for a moment, before turning to the waitress.

"Don't be crazy." You shook your head.

"Why would we do that?" Scaramouche inquired, looking at the woman seingly concerned for her mental well-being.

After all the two of you have been regulars at the restaurant since the day that it opened fove years ago. Ever since then, you've been always ordering the same thing, every Saturday night: pizza margarita with a side of salad and iced tea. There was no reason to suddenly change tour habits right now.

The waitress stared at you, then at the table and your food, then back at you.

"No idea" she said plastering a huge smile onto her face. "Do you want some dessert?"

"And what's for dessert today?" you asked courteousely.

The manager passed your table by and finally the waitress' expression relaxed.

"A frozen apple pie that's gonna be resurrected in a microwave for you and then topped with some foam from whipped cream" she explained, shivring with disgust. You could have sworn, her face turned a little purple.

"No" you and Scaramouche answered immediately.

"Wonderful!" The waitress gleamed at you again. "No seriously, some guy ate it and got food poisoning and now he's suing us."

"What do you mean suing?" You blinked.

The waitress shrugged.

"The owner will have to pay up but nobody knows how, because since that case blew up we've been losing patrons."

Scaramouche picked a few olives and began chewing on them.

"So you're shutting down?" he guessed.

You kicked him under the table but the waitress nodded to his words.

"Most likely, yeah" she admitted. "You guys will have to find a new spot for your dates soon."

Scaramouche slowly nodded, while you poured the entirety of the tea into your throat, absolutely flabbergasted by the information.

You were still trying to process the news as Scaramouche was paying the bill, as he grabbed you by your hand, as you left the restaurant and as you were walking back home.

"You good?" he poked your arm gently, noticing your mindlessness.

You shrugged.

"I'm managing." Scaramouche gazed at you,  waiting for more but after a while he realised, that this was all that he was gonna get.

"You're bummed about the restaurant shutting down?" he sighed seeing  your expression sink deeper into sadness. "Oh c'mon it was shitty any way."

You shrugged.

"But it was our restaurant" you said quietly.

Scaramouche stopped walking and so did you. He fixed his eyes on you and extended his hands, to press his palm to your cheek.

"We'll find a new one" he assured you with a hint of a smile. "Maybe we won't even have to switch our orders anymore."

"But I like switching orders with you" you pointed out, almost tearing up and he grinned, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, then we'll find a place where we can actually eat dessert" he corrected himself as he messed up your hair, patting you on the head.

"We better." You crossed your arms at your chest, pressing your lips together in a line.

Scaramouche laughed, leaning towards you and placing a gentle kiss on tour forehead.

To stay in love was hard work; Every day you had to find something to have in common and make space for one another in your lives. And most days, it was mundane. But it felt good to have this one thing in your life that you didn't have to worry about, that kept you at peace and that made you feel happy and cared for.

"Wanna get ice cream?" you asked but before you could even finish your question, Scaramouche grabbed you by your waist and lift you up, putting you on his back, while you laughed.

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