A heated turn of events

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Authors note this was requested a while ago by @ALPHA-017

Warning : a heated conversation between Nara and Harvey ( you have been warned) 

" what did you do"? Harvey grumbled.

" I decided to fight a trandosian who was speaking rudely to my brothers," Nara said.

" And what were you not supposed to do" Harvey sighed.

" get into more fights" she sighed.

" And what did you do?" Harvey asked.

" got into a fight," she grinned.

" Nara" Harvey groaned

" in my defence you left me unsupervised" she shrugged.

Harvey rolled his eyes and applied the cold cloth to her lower jaw.

She noticed his hands lingered a second too long across her lower jaw as he went into a deep concentration , sending a wave of emotions to her gut. This was new. Her entire life she had been trained for situations of different varieties, some more difficult than others. But this was an entirely new situation that she honestly didn't know how to approach.

" Harvey"

his name rolled off her lips in a whisper. His eyes lingered a second longer on the bruise of her cheek before his eyes met hers. His blue irises were a swarm of mixed emotions. A look she couldn't quite describe swirled in the darkened speckles of sapphire that reflected back at her.

" Nara"

That was her name at least that's what she told herself honestly she couldn't think straight, well at least not now great work Dios. Her mind was racing so fast that she hadn't taken in the fact Harvey was leaning in rather closely until she could feel his hot breath tickling her lips.

She noticed his eyes were fixed on her, making her bite her lip nervously .

" May I" he whispered.

" Hmm" she hummed.

" May I kiss you?" he replied sheepishly.

That was all she needed to hear.

She sealed the space between the two of them, earning a small gasp from Harvey as he pulled her closer to his chest.

Oh if Rex were here he'd probably kill Harvey.

She didn't care.

Her finger curled around his locks as she tried to pull him closer as if she wanted to feel every inch of his mouth on hers, not that he seemed to mind. He pushed her against the metal wall sending a shiver down her spine as he pinned her in place.

" I didn't know you had that in you" she smirked.

Harvey gave a small grin " you kidding I've been wanting to do this for a while now"

Nara's cheeks darkened, not expecting the sudden confidence that came from his tone.

Harvey noticing her sudden change of emotion immediately stopped " I mean we can stop if you want I don't want to pressure you and-"

Nara stopped him before he could get another word out by planting a sweet kiss against his lips making him melt at the contact.

" You're cute when you ramble," she mused.

Harvey gave a giddy smirk before he continued his actions. She knew she was doomed seeing that smirk as his lips traveled down her lower jaw. She bit her lip trying to conceal the waves of pleasure she felt in her chest as Harvey continued to make his way down to her collarbone planting sweet kisses across her skin. It was only when he hit a particular spot on her neck did she gasp. Her hand shot up so fast in embarrassment ,she almost smacked herself in the face. Harvey however was nearly dying of laughter at her reddened cheeks.

" aw you're cute when you're flustered" he snickered.

Nara's nose scrunched. " I'll show you flustered Dios" she reached her leg around his right thigh and grabbed him tightly by the shoulders. Harvey's eyes widened as he felt himself lose balance as she switched places with him. Harvey gulped as he looked up into Nara's amused gaze. He should have known she would pin him to a wall eventually.

" You're cute when you flustered" she mocked, tracing her fingers down his body until they rested at his torso. Harvey's cheeks darkened as he choked down a gulp. Nara smirked, bringing her lips across his lower jaw carefully tracing every curve. Harvey was melting at every touch of her lips. The way they glided so skillfully across his skin like a ballet dancer made his heart flutter. He had to contain his sighs of pleasure, knowing full well she'd only use that against him.

" your blushing General" she mused.

Harvey cleared his throat and turned his head away from her amused gaze, making her give a devilish laugh of amusement.

"You know shes right general, you cheeks are definitely a bright shade of neon green"

Harvey gave a yelp of surprise as he noticed the flashing light of his com was on.

"FIVES!" he yelled.

Naras eyes widened as her face quickly paled.

"Yes, oh and Spades, kix, jesse, jex, hardcase, Dock, persephone, Nix, oh and Rex" he mused.


"Yah about rex he's on his way"

Harvey felt his soul leave his body.

"You forgot that the medical room has surveillance cameras,didn't yah" Kixs piped up.

Harvey looked to Nara before he noticed the glowing red dot of a camera in the corner of the ceiling.

" If you can't tell the general we're all waving at you, sir" Fives mused.

Nara grabbed harveys wrist com " I hate you all" she yelled.

"Not all of us apparently, you know the general was really turned-"

Nara shut off the com channels and turned to harvey.

"We probably have ten seconds if I know Rex" she sighed.

Harvey nodded " well then I have an idea" he sighed.

Nara raised her brow. " what"?

Harvey grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her out into the hallway. He turned his com on " y'all are gonna wanna get this on film cause Rex is gonna kill me after this" he gulped.

" Harvey what are you- hmmp"

Harvey spun her around taking both her hands and pinning her against the doors. Her eyes widened as he lightly traced his finger against her lips before leaning in and pressing his lips softly against hers. If Nara didn't know any better she could have swore she heard the sounds of Rex losing it from down the halls. But she didn't care as her stomach swirled with butterflies. She could feel Harvey smirking through the kiss as he pushed a strand of hair from her face and cupped her cheek lovingly. As the sounds of an angry Mama Rex came closer Harvey pulled away slowly much to her disappointment.

Her eyes fluttered open to see a slightly disheveled Harvey smiling down at her. He lightly traced his thumb over her cheek and then slowly left her lips.


Harvey's eyes widened " I love you" he yelled as he took off.

Nara was left completely flustered as Rex ran past her completely frothing at the mouth with anger.

Nara's com went off " yah get some Nara" Nix yelled.

" That is my sister you nerf herder, " Fives yelled.

Nara died of embarrassment as she fell to the floor in a puddle of emotions.

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