Miz rep request - sometimes the camo works to well

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This was requested by @bowtri. I apologies for how incredibly long this took. but I hope you enjoy this one shot as much as I enjoyed writing about your  troopers .  


Nara winched as her hand snagged on another sharp thorn as she pushed her way through the jungle. "Careful vod there are thorns all over these vines here" she yelled back.

Everyone nodded as they pushed through the thick shrubbery.

" I don't like this" Jex hissed.

" You don't like any missions that don't involve blowing things up," Spades sighed.

"Heck you're just as bad as Hardcase" fives sighed.

"HEY" a clipped voice shouted from the back of the group .

Nara shook her head and continued on.

" Well duh, but this is different," jex said.

Spades raised his brow " how so" his voice laced with uncertainty.

"Well," Jex said " the jungles never this quiet"

It was true the jungle had become eerily silent. No bird could be heard flying overhead , no wild animals calling out to each other. Even the annoying chirping bugs outside of their campsite most nights weren't making a peep. Nara froze as the goose bumps on the back of her neck rose. They were not alone. Seeing her freeze the group came to a halt as they scanned the jungle for any threats.

Nara's ears filled with the sound of her heavy breathing and hammering heart as her eyes scanned the dense brush. It was only when she saw a flash of light did her body move before her brain could catch up.


The trooper's eyes widened as his sister tackled him to the ground as the sound of a single shot went off.

Immediately several shots went off from the group as two more shots were fired from the bush.

" Is it seppies?" spades yelled ducking behind a large shrub.

" I'm not sure," Jesse yelped as he dodged a blaster bolt.

Fives groaned as he tried to sit up , rubbing his head gently since his helmet had been knocked off in the fall . Once he refocused on his surroundings. He looked down to find Nara's unmoving body as it laid in an unnatural position. His eyes widened in shock as his gaze traced the angered blistering wound on Nara's abdomen. She must have gotten it when the shot went off, he thought with a grimace.

"NARA!" He yelled, grabbing her by the shoulder as he frantically tried to wake her to no avail." "Come on, please wake up" he said frantically. " Harvey and Rex will kill me if you die, plus I can't lose my sister"

Nara let out a sharp breath as her face scrunched in discomfort . "Kriff" he said frantically trying to find his brother kix. "Medic"!


" STAND DOWN WE'RE WITH THE REPUBLIC" came a frantic voice from the bushes.

" stand down!" Jesse yelled. " Come out with your arms up, or we'll shoot" he said gruffly towards the shooters.

Like clockwork two troopers in camo armor came out of the bushes with their hands raised. They both looked beyond guilty.

"Sorry about that, me and camo over here thought you were droids" one of them said sympathetically.

" and you are" spades growled blocking them from fives.

"Elite and camo, sir " the trooper said as he melted beneath five's gaze.

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