Mission misery pt1

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Author note: this was requested by hope you enjoy and pt 2 should come out soon just wanted to get this out before I forgot 😁

"Can someone explain to me in small words why I'm being assigned to this mission" Clancey groaned.

Gregor rolled his eyes in frustration.

"Well as of now we're being shipped to Ryloth to retrieve a vital disc, which could help us score a republic victory over the separatists" He stated. "Oh and your being assigned the task of leading this operation with another clone officer".

"That's just great" clancey huffed in frustration .


Nara sat down on a supply box as she helped tightly wrap a child's swollen ankle. The twi'lek child had been running around when she stumbled over a sharp rock and severely twisted her ankle.

"there" Nara tided the bandage off and looked down at her handy work " all done".

The child smiled wiping away a stray tear.

"Nara, Rex is looking for you says he got a mission for yah" Kix called over from the medical tent.

"Got a go Little one , a days work never over" she smiled leaving the child to her parents before heading towards the command centre.

Inside she found Rex surrounded by some men she didn't recognize.

"Rex you called" she spoke up.

Turning the three men faced her.

"Yes, I want to introduce you to commander Gregor and Corporal Clancey " Rex pointed towards the two men.

Nara noted that there were clone commandos, but what were they doing here?

Gregor smirked and extended his hand "Pleasure to meet you miss Names Gregor"

Nara took it and shook his hand. However she noticed the other clone wasn't as eager to meet her. He almost seemed nervous or awkward as she extended her hand out.

"Names Nara pleasure to meet yah"

The clone only stood and looked at her hand as if it were a nuclear bomb.

"You'll have to excuse him, he doesn't know how to speak to girls" Gregor snickered.

"Do to you shavit" clancey groaned punching his brother in the shoulder.

Nara laughed in amusement "don't worry I don't bite"

"She may not bite but she sure can throw a punch" Echo shelled over as Fives and him walked towards the group.

"Well thanks for the heads up" Gregor mused "I just hope she won't have to use it considering their tag teaming this mission.

"We're what!?" Nara and clancey both yelled.

Fives and Echo laughed in amusement upon seeing the twos faces.

"Wait you mean to tell me that she's the officer" clancey groaned.

"Wait you mean to tell me you forgot to mention I'm going on a suicided mission, with him"! Nara wailed.

"I'd thought I'd tell you when the two of you meet and it's not a suicide mission it's strictly retrieval" Rex mused.

"Sorry to disagree Rex. But when ever a commando comes to tag team on missions it usually means that your most like going to end up in some sort of suicide mission" Nara argued.

"She's not wrong" clancey agreed.

Rex shook his head.

"It's already decided , you two are to retrieve a data disk from this location" he typed in the coordinate onto his wrist which then sent to Nara's and Clancey's coms. "You have three days to retrieve the disc if you are unsuccessful you are to abort the mission, am I understood"

"yes sir" Clancey sighed.

"Yes dad" Nara groaned.

Gregor shot Rex an amused glance as both Echo and Fives howled in the background.

Rex shook his head.

"What are two laughing at your going with them"

It was now Nara's turn to laugh.


"So what's so important about this disc anyway" Fives muttered.

"Well it contains battle tactics, base locations, and even the wear a-bouts of prisoners" Echo explained.

"Basically if we get that disc we get the upper hand and if we don't we'll these people might not survive longer" Echo sighed.

Nara shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she tried to focus on steering the ship.

Clancey had found a way to entertain himself by pushing the ships buttons and going into storage cupboards.

"Stop that" Nara grumbled.

" stop what" Clancey mused opening another cupboard.

"That" Nara pointed to him pushing the buttons.

" oh this" he smiled innocently as he pushed a red button that opened all the cupboards.

"Now he's just asking to get smacked" Fives whispered into Echos ear.

Echo brows scrunched with concern, this clone was just asking to be hit in the face.

"If you do that again I will kriffin throw you out the window you...you....what are you doing"? She scoffed.

Clancey was leaned over the seat looking out of the window.

"Seeing how the drop is , see if it's worth it" Clancey mused with wink.

Nara's eyes narrowed as her cheeks darkened in colour.

"I can almost hear her blood pressure rising" Echo whispered.

" why you scruffy looking Nerf herder"

Clancey eyes widened but he wasn't looking at her.

"Ummmm Nara"

"What"! she snarled.

"We've got droids" he pointed .

Nara turned her head in time see a separatist bombers (hyena droids) coming towards them with open fire.

"Oh for force sake" she growled.

She took hold of the controls and steered the ship around the bombers causing the ship to spin out.

"Hold on boys this is about to get rough" she grunted.

The droids kept pursuing them as Nara tried to out maneuver them, causing a few to crash. However her efforts were in vein as the droids targeted their ships engines. The blaster bolts hit them dead on causing the ship to spin out.

"Hold on we're going down" Nara yelled as she tried to settle the ship down into the trees.

"Were gonna die, I should have never let you fly" Fives screamed clutching the seat bar.

"Shut up shoulder pads and put on your big boy pants" Nara barked.

The ship hit the trees first talking out the wings, which caused a fire to spark out of the back.


Nara fought against the ship controls as it finally came to a stop.

"Another happy landing" Echo sighed wiping the sweat off his brow.

"You call that a landing" clancey groaned.

" get out " Nara grumbled as she pushed everyone out.

Everyone jumped out of the ship just in time to see the ship burst out into flames.

Fives went to open his mouth to speak.

"Don't you dare say a word" Nara growled.

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