Pirates of the republic

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Authors note: I got inspired after binge watching pirates of the Caribbean. So without further ado please enjoy and let me know if you guys would like a part 2 😁

"Sir look out" !

Harvey dodged in time to watch as Fang's sword drove into the mast above him. He let out a muffled Yelp of suprise and ducked.

"Are you trying to kill me Mr. Fang?" Harvey asked, completely flabbergasted.

" Well if you paid more attention we wouldn't have to train like this now would we" Fang smirked, slashing his sword again.

The men on the deck had gathered around now watching as their General and commander battled it out on the upper deck. It was a sight to see especially seeing the young General going up against their sea hardened commander.

"Besides your head has been off in a tizzy lightly what's vexing you General" Fangs grinned.

Harvey ducked another strategic blow before he crossed his blades with Fangs. He landed a blow knocking Fang off his feet and onto the deck below him.

"I don't think I know what you mean Mr.Fang I'm certainly not vexed by anything".

Fang rolled his eyes. " yah and we're not on a boat" he said as he rolled onto his feet,

Harvey chuckled and proceeded again with his attack. He used a variety of attacks both using powerful blows and acrobatic movements to tire his opponent out. Fang seemed to be unimpressed as Harvey jumped off one of the railings into a somersault over his head landing perfectly on one of the barrels.

"Go General"!

The men could be heard shouting from all over the ship.

Fang Rolled his eyes" show off"

He swung his swords at Harvey feet making the poor man jump and prance around as if he were a highland dancer. Harvey brought his swords near Fang's face, making the commander Yelp in surprise as Harvey used this to his advantage, knocking the sword out of Fang's hands.

"You snooze you lose commander" Harvey smirked triumphantly as he held his sword at Fang's chest.

The men went wild.

"Good one General"

An airy laugh filled the ship making the men turn their heads and smile. Harvey felt his spirits lifted as his eyes were met with sharp brown ones. on one of the rails sat a young woman. Her feet dangling over the edge of the ship as her dark blue and white dress swayed in the salty breeze. Her long brown hair swirled around her shoulders like the waves lapping onto a beach. Harvey wished that he could come up with a worthy description of her but alas everytime she flashed him a smile he lost the ability to think or form words. Honestly he felt a complete moron when he was around her, and no poetry or ink on paper would fix that.

"T..T.. thank you Ms.Aquila'' he muttered feeling his cheeks darken. He wanted to slap himself.

Fang looked between his General and the young women who had been on their ship for weeks. She had been sent along with them as an interiptartor and navigational expert, apparently from what General Skywalker had said she was the best. They had been sent months ago to retrieve a special holocron book that was meant for the new republic to unlock new information that could turn the tide of the war. And apparently she was the only one who could translate it.

His eyes traced the gaze the two held and the gears in his head connected.

"Not vexed huh General"? Fang mused.

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