Cozy trooper (Rex x reader)

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It had been heavily snowing outside of (y/n)'s window for the past hour, and the base was beginning to freeze. She hated the cold, always had, but then again she grew up on tattoine.

Since it had been so cold lately, there had been plenty of spare time since all the machinery was frozen. She had took it upon herself to order blankets for the clones in her battalion and stitch their names into the corners.

She had seen the way her men shivered and complained about the lack of feeling in their hands and toes. So she had gotten the blankets for them so that they wouldn't have to freeze. Sure it had taken weeks to get each name right and sewn in, but it had been worth it.

it was her little way to make them feel special and appreciated and she was determined to do so .

Carrying the blankets in her hands she sneakily transported the blankets back and forth, taking care to not be caught. She was even able to sneak away from her pesky brother who was looking all over the place for her.

Once inside the barracks she carefully placed the blankets on their owners beds. Carefully laying them out onto each bunk, tucking in the corners of the blanket neatly so that the name would show on the bottom of the bed. It took her over two hours transporting blankets and putting them onto the beds. But in the end it had been worth it. Now she only had one more blanket to put on a bunk. However this blanket was different than the others, she had made it specially for the captain of the of 501st.

Instead of just having his name she had decided to add a pair of jaig eyes as a special thank you to him. She remembered the first time her brother had introduced her to the clones, their reactions were priceless. Each member of the battalion had their jaw open and eyes wide in disbelief. Apparently her brother had left quite an impression on them, so when they found out their General had a sister they were certainly shocked. However one introduction stuck out to her the most.

Once Anakin had introduced her to a group of clones named, Fives, Echo, jesse, Kix, hardcase and Rex.

he had taken her over to meet his second in command, captain Rex.

"Rex I'd like to introduce you to the General of the 401st battalion, and my sister"

Rex seemed to cringe slightly at the mention of Anakin having a sister. In his mind he had hoped that she wouldn't be as brash as her brother, or throw him of a cliff like her brother had .

Tuning he met with a slightly smaller female version of Anakin, who was just as bad her brother.

She had reached her hand out for him to shake .

"Nice to meet you I'm (y/n) Skywalker or General Skywalker the second if you like that better"

Anakin rolled his eyes.

"You couldn't resist could you"

"Nope" she grinned cheekily.

Rex chuckled earning a warm feeling from her as she smiled back, little did she know the effect that smile had on him.

"nice (y/n) meet to you" he held out his hand.

She stared at the captain with wide eyes for a minute until she had to bite back her laughter.

Anakin was just looked at his captain dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that the usually calm and collected Rex was stumbling over his words. Even a few of the men around the room stopped for a second and stared at their captain in confusion .

Realizing what he had just said his ears turned bright red.

"I mean nice to meet you General Skywalker" he was beet red from embarrassment.

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