Trooper blues

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"He's been like this since this morning sir, I'm not sure what's gotten into him" Echo explained.

Rex cauisly poked the mound of blankets, unease settling in the pit of his stomach. "How bad"?

"Pretty bad sir,I would brace yourself" Echo cringed.

Rex let out a sigh as he slowly pulled the blankets back. His breath hitched seeing the red tear stained eyes and million pills of snot rags surrounding the 501st's infamous playboy.

"Fives"? Rex raised his brow.

Fives looked hysterical as he gave his captain a dazed look.

"Don't look at me, I'm trying to drown myself in my emotions" he sniffed, yanking the blankets back from Rex's grasp.

Rex's brows scrunched "Fives what are you doing"

"I'm going snorkeling on mon Cala what does it look like I'm doing Rex? perhaps you should get Kix to check your eyes because clearly you can't see a damn thing"! Fives snapped.

Echos eyes widened expecting his captain to snap, or presumably throw fives out of one of the air locks. Instead he was surprised to see his brother take on a different approach.

Rex sat on the edge of the bunk and placed a hand on his brother's knee and sighed.

"Do you wanna talk about it or sit here until you're ready to get it off your chest ?"

Fives looked slightly startled and taken back by his brother's comment. He felt both a heavy burden on his heart and a warmth of comfort. He let out a long sigh.

" I can't get their faces out of my head"

Rexs gaze turned seriously "who"?

Fives eyes darkened as he snapped his head toward Rex making him flinch.

"All of them! our brothers, the ones that died, Rex, so many, so many of them gone" his voice sounded defeated.

Rex felt his own grief brewing in the pit of his stomach, he understood Fives grief understanding all too well it was just like his own. He looked down at his younger brother with a feeling of obligation to make it right. He may have suffered in silence on the daily but he sure as heck wasn't about to let one of his brothers suffer alone.

" Believe me I know what it's like and I'm afraid to say it doesn't get any easier" Rex sighed " but I promise that the family you have will always be with you no matter what, am I understood." Rex looked deep into Fives eyes.

Fives whipped away a stray tear and nodded like a sulky toddler " Thank you brother" he mumbled.

"Your welcome" he elbowed Fives in the arm making the trooper growl in surprise.

"I know what will make you feel better. How about a prank on General Dios to cure your trooper blues?" Rex grinned.

Fives cocked his brow.

" Rex I thought we talked about this, you can't kill harvey just because he has the Nara fever"

"That was one time and besides it will be fun" Rex mused.

Fives interest had peaked and he was fully eager to hear his captain's plans.

"Go on"

"It involves paint balls and glitter and possibly General Skywalker," Rex added with a smug grin.

"And here i thought you were by the books, what happened to you" Fives asked rather concernedly.

"Having a battalion of children did Fives" Rex huffed.


Rex and Fives were currently filling their paint guns fifty yards from where Anakin and Harvey were currently sparring. Rex had somehow figured out the Generals schedule and made sure they had the perfect opportunity to strike. Then again Rex was a scary man when it came to being protective over his brothers and sister. Lets just say the moment Harvey even looked at Nara Rex had basically placed a huge target on his back and opened fire. Fives was just his amutions caddy at this point, but he didn't mind. "Alright their taking a break now's the perfect opportunity to strike while they least expect it" Rex grinned a slight chuckle leaving his lips as he lined his paintball gun up.

"You're enjoying this aren't you"Fives mused.

Rex's eyes widened.

"No i'm simply enjoying the thought of a paint ball smashing against harv.. I mean the generals faces"

Fives let out a snort of approval before laying down beside his captain and taking position.

"On my mark you open fire" Rex said out of the corner of his mouth.

Fives gave a nod of approval.


Harvey lifted the bottle of water to his lips and gave a deep sigh as the cold liqoud went down his throat. Harvey flinched feeling a sudden pain in his left shoulder, only to feel slight annoyance as he saw anakin howling.

"Come on we haven't all day Harvey you're going slower than master Yoda".

Harvey rolled his eyes " My apologies oh holy chosen pain in the toaster strudel"

Anakin's face contorted as he tried not to laugh "Pain in the toaster strudle"? He mused.

"Oh whatever i don't swear ok" Harvey huffed as he placed the bottle down on the bench and quickly wiped his sweat away.

"Finally" Anakin huffed taking his stance.

Harvey rolled his eyes and ignited his sabers, before he could even strike he felt three multiple stings of pain on his shoulders blades taking him off balance.

"Oh butterscotch" He groaned.

"HARVEY" Anakin yelled suddenly, feeling multiple stings against his chest.

Harvey instinctively jumped to his feet and held his sabers in a fighting stance, the adrenaline rushing through his system.

Suddenly he felt the familiar gut feeling of the force guiding him. He slashed his blades in the air blocking three objects out of the air. In the time he had gotten back on his feet anakin stood beside him. The two gave a nod to each other before slicing and dodging bullets. Harvey winced feeling a sharp pain on his foot, he unwilling looked down to see blue paint and... glitter? He put two and two together and gritted his teeth.


He was cut short feeling down bullets connecting with his forehead knocking him out cold.

Anakin looked down in shock and laughed in amusement before he felt a bullet connect with his forehead and then the lights went out as the two landed in a pile on the training matts.


Rex grinned devilishly " And that's why we don't throw people off of buildings"

Five's mood definitely turned positive as he seemed to be bouncing with engery.

"Do you think they'll remember anything?" he asked.

"Nah I think We're good" Rex shrugged.

Suddenly his com link went off, he unwillingly pressed it.

KIxs tired voice came over the coms

" Did I just watch you snip the generals from the roof?" he sighed.

"Nooooo"? Rex said rather unconvincingly..

"You're not supposed to answer that with a question"! KIx exclaimed.

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