Fives x reader (warmth☕️)

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I could feel the feverish cold on my back ,a shiver trickled down my shoulder blades. I hated this planet more than words could say. Although it came with its perks. You had been assigned to co-lead the 501st with Anakin Skywalker your oldest and most trusted friend. However this had landed you on this God forbidden planet covered in snow and no warmth in sight.

"General you alright, you look like your plotting someone's murder" Fives asked taking a bite of his ration.

Smirking you turned toward the man who sat at your table "you caught me" you sighed ,putting your arms up dramatically .

Fives rolled his eyes and chuckled "but really you seem to be more irritated lightly"

I only shook my head hopping he couldn't see the rising blush on my face. "It's just this stupid planet, it's getting on my nerves"

He nodded his head in agreement ,he hated this planet more than words could say as well.

"I see"

"And of course this place has to be below freezing, not like kamino at least you don't have to wait three hours to drink your water" I grinned.

Fives chuckled "well you certainly don't run out of water there that's for sure".

I grabbed my coffee smiling, sipping the liquid hoping the warmth would be enough to warm at least my spirits. Instead I was treated with a coffee popsicle.

Fives seemed to notice my discomfort as my eyes widened.

""(y/n)? He frowned.

"Oh come on" I huffed pulling back my tongue to see the frozen liquid attached to the end of it.

Fives stared a me in shock, his lips twisted in a amused grin.

"This is not funny" you stuck your tongue out crossing your arms.

"No your right, this is hilarious" he snickered, quickly snapping a photo for later, which I knew he'd share with Anakin and his brothers.

"Your-an ass" I groaned trying to pull of the frozen coffee off with no avail.

He chuckled eyeing my progress or lack of.

"here let me help you".

He leaned forehead moving his face closer, I could feel his breath across my cheeks as he tried to unattached my tongue. My heart pounded in my chest, get it together (y/n)! You shouldn't be feeling this way, but with his eyes carefully watching my lips I couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Alright, there I think I've got it" he smiled pulling the solid coffee off my tongue "hows that feel".

Closing my lip together I sucked on the sore part my tongue trying to warm it up.

"Great" I groaned "now my mouths cold".

Fives seemed to be thinking as his lips twisted in a devilishly smirk, I knew all to well.

"Want me to warm it up for you" he said in a husky tone.

I nearly bit my dam tongue hearing him.

"Umm sure" I practically squeaked, my face was beyond red I couldn't believe I said that. I'm such a dumbass.

He leaned forward bringing his face closer to mine.

Ok don't panic this is normal it's just a really attractive guy leaning into kiss you no big deal right. I leaned closer expecting to find a pair of lips instead, I was met with a scolding cup of coffee.

"Here this should warm you up" he smiled pushing the coffee into my frozen hands. My face scrunched in confusion as it slowly dawned on me what was happening.

"This is what you meant right" he smuged taking a sip from his coffee, his eyes looked back at mine.

"Yah totally" I flushed. On the outside I looked completely calm but on the inside I was internally screaming.


(Fives POV)

An hour later

"Ba haha" Anakin was howling as I showed him the picture I had taken earlier of (y/n) Even Rex and and the others were overly amused by how embarrassed General (l/n) was getting.

"Shut up Anakin" she growled " it's not that funny"

" oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you melt with embarrassment" he wheezed.

I laughed seeing her gracefully elbow him in the ribs making him groan out in pain.

" ok I agree I deserved that" he groaned.

Grinning I reached for my beverage and took a sip only to be met with ice. I gasped in surprise as my tongue froze tasting the liquid. The group turned their attention towards me in surprise as I stuck out my tongue.

" stupid cold now my mouths frozen " I groaned.

I swore I've never seen a more amused look on (y/n) face as her eyes lit up with revenge , I knew I was in for it.

"Want me to help you warm it up" she mused.

I gulped seeing her come closer.

Only Echo and Rex knew I had a liking to the General for sometime now, and the two of them were grinning like fools as they saw my ears burn up.

"It would be appreciated sir" I managed to squeak out. The others at the table look confused at my attitude,normally I was calm and collected around (y/n) when I was talking or flirting with her. However when she flirted back she took me off guard.

"Here let me help you" she sat down and leaned forward. I found myself leaning forward as well as I prepared myself for what happened next. I felt my lips connect with something warm and inviting and metallic? I opened my eyes to find an overly amused (y/n) smirking up at me as she pulled the mug away.

"Here this should help and here" she took a sip from the mug in her hands "Hmm nice and hot" she sighed placing it into my hands.

My jaw just stood their hanging open.

Rex and Echo were trying to control their obnoxious snickering,Anakin was clearly amused and Jesse,Kix,and Hardcase were laughing so hard as they were red in the face from lack of oxygen.

(Y/n) got up to leave to get back to her duties as general, before shooting me a sly grin on her lips as she sipped the last sip of her coffee. There was no kriffin way I wasn't going to let her one up me. I quickly shot up out of my seat and walked straight up to her not caring if anyone watched. Turning her face so I could get a good look into her (e/c) eyes I placed my lips down on hers soaking in the warmth. She gasped out in surprise at first until I felt her place her hands on my shoulders sighing as she leaned in. Her lips were soft and tasted like vanilla cream as I pressed harder trying to feel every curve of her mouth against mine. After a minute I pulled away smirking upon seeing the crimson specks that dusted her cheeks.

"You were right that definitely warmed my mouth up" I grinned.

(Y/n) just stared at me not able to form any words .

"Y/n you ok" I mused

No response as (y/n) slowly melted into my arms.

"Guys I think I broke the General"!

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