Troopers on the ceiling

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This is a short one but this was requested by @larawl. With prompt #  4 " ok why is (y/n) on the ceiling. Without further ado enjoy 😊 

"Fives why are you stuck up on the ceiling" Harvey frowned watching the arc troop hanging from one of the metal pipes in the ceiling.

" I wanted to test out my skills up here sir, do some endurance training by hanging from the ceiling" Fives yelled down, his hands slowly sliding.

Nara nudged Harvey in the side " he can't work a jet pack to save his life" she whispered earning an amused expression from the Jedi knight beside her.

"I can to- whoa just you know still- whoa testing it out" Fives grunted he was loosing his grip and barely holding on.

"Yah and general Skywalker likes sand" Nara scoffed rolling her eyes " just admit it you need help"

"I would rather die" Fives scoffed " that is if I need help"

Nara shook her head and turned to Harvey "you see what I have to put up with general"

"I have a jex and Hera I outrank you" he mused.

"I have a hard case, Fives, general Skywalker-oh should I continue" she mused slipping on her helmet.

" to be continued"

"Nara I need you to fives down he's gonna break himself" Echo said with an irritated tone.

"Already on it, oh and if all else fails call Rex he knows a thing or two about flying"

Echo nodded as she neared the platform.

"Wish me luck boys" she playfully saluted before falling backwards of the practice ramp. Harvey felt a wave of panic come over himself.

"Did she just jump of the platform"! He looked over a echo who appeared to be scarily calm.

"Just wait"

"Wait for what?! her jet pack wasn't even on"

" sir, aren't you Jedi supposed to have some kinda faith that everything will work out"

"Yah but good vibes and the force isn't gonna save her!" Harvey exclaimed .

Echo looked the Jedi with a tired gaze and simply shrugged,

"Nah she'll be fine".

Harvey looked over the side " uh shes still falling"

"She'll pull up any second just wait"

Harvey counted to five " nope still falling"

"Give it another 10 seconds I'm sure she'll be fine"

"She's still falling echo I can see her" Fives yelled down.

"She's fine I promise you"

Suddenly yelling could be heard.


"Ok she's not fine, sir call Rex tell him to come a soon as he can, oh maybe bring a med kix" he yelled starting his jet pack.

"Don't you mean med kit" Harvey frowned.

"Did I stutter sir, I mean med kix" echo frowned back before jumping off the platform

Echo flew through the pit as fast as his pack would let him. He could see Nara her jet pack had been clogged by glitter and couldn't start. She looked beyond mad and don't get him started on the language that left her lips, hardcase would have been proud.

"When I get my hands on those di'kuits I'm gonna through them out the kriffin air lock"! She growled. Her arms and legs were flailing as she frantically tried to unplug the gages on the side, but to no avail.

"Nara hang in there!" Echo yelled.

" I don't have much choice" she groaned.

Echo wrapped his arms around her waist and slowly brought the two to a slower speed, before shooting back up to the surface


"Alright general dios we're here kix is on his way and general Skywalker decided to join" Rex stated .

Anakin looked at the scene before him and winced " I'm afraid to ask"

" fives got stuck on the ceiling, and Nara went to save him but her jet pack got clogged by glitter" Harvey looked up a fives as he emphasized the word glitter.

" hey how was I suppose to know glitter bombs and jet packs don't mix" fives excailmed.

Rex shook his head and started his jet pack "hang on"

"Really cause I was start trying to do headstands on the ceiling" fives replied rather sarcastically.

Rex only shook his before grabbing fives and guiding down slowly with his jet pack. Everything seemed to be going fine, unfortunately Echo and Nara happened to be coming up at the exact same time.

" look out"!

The two groups collided with each as they tumbled down in a twist of arms and legs onto the platform.

Kix just had to open the door at that exact moment as he got beautiful view of Fives face colliding with metal floor and Rex being accidentally punched the face by echo, and Nara screaming at Fives before the group collided into a pile of metal crates.

"GOD DAMIT, this is why we can't have nice things"yelled in frustration, throwing his first aid kit onto the ground.

Anakin froze and stared blankly at kix while Harvey could barely contain his laughter as he let out an awkward snort.

Kix picked up his med kit and began to grumble as he picked his way through the wreckage.

" I work with idiots" he started pulling.

Harvey looked over at Anakin completely amused, Anakin simply scrunched his lips as he held back his laughter. A sudden groan of pain could be heard.

" Fives get your hand out of Rex's mouth"!

The two generals lost it, no longer able to contain there laughter

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