Just what the doctor ordered

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Kix felt completely embarrassed by the way he acted around Persephone and felt obligated to make it right. He marched past His table of brothers on a mission, not even stopping to say hello or give them a nod which was very unlike him. Rex raised his brows in suspicion.

"Now where is he going"

"Probably to go make out with doctor Gail" Fives stated taking another munch of his ration bar.

Nara snorted with laughter making spades and Jesse howl.


"What, don't tell me you haven't noticed his obvious crush on the new Doctor". Fives stated.

"Well now that you mention it he dose seem more chipper" Rex thought.

"See our little brother has got a crush" Fives awed "it's so disgusting"

Rex frowned "oh yah and you wouldn't know the first thing about romance if it hit you"

"Trust me I don't want to" Fives cringed.

Meanwhile Kix had finally found Dr.gail hidden in a pile of work inside the med bay. He watched a she thought out loud marking down all the different supplies they had and needed.


She jumped slightly, obviously she hadn't seen him.

"Kix, please call me presphone"

She smiled at him sweetly making his mind go numb and swarm with butterflies.

"Oh by the way I forgot to ask earlier but how's your head doing you suffered a nasty hit to the face yesterday"

"Well um, I'm doing much better now thanks to your help"

"Well I'm glad to hear that, thank you"

Come on man you can do this just ask her out for a cup of coffee.

"So I wanted to apologies for my behaviour the other day, I'm not good at first impression" he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

She chuckled slightly making him nervous.

" your kidding me right"?

Kix raised a brow in confusion.

" no"?

She chuckled " you made my day. And besides now I can say I helped heal the legendary medic of the 501st"

Kix let a smile grace his lips.

" really"

" really" she assured.

There was a comfortable silence between the two as they smiled at one another. Ok how's your chance ask her out.

" would you umm like to grab a caffe with me"

Her eyes widened in surprise.

Good job man you blew it.

" I would love too"

And then he didn't kriff it up.

" sweet let's go then"


The two spent the whole afternoon together talking about their lives and things they wanted to do. Persephone explained were she came from and how she joined the GAR. she was originally born on ryloth and spent her childhood working in her Mother's medical centre in her village . However once the clone wars started and her home world was invaded, she decided to join the republic and help give back to those who had helped her survive. Kix couldn't help but be in awe hearing her story and what it was like for her to live on ryloth. The more and more she talked the more he started to feel all fuzzy in side.

" so that's all about me what about you" she asked genuinely curious.

"Honestly there's not much to me. I was born on kamino and was raised to be a solider and latter on to be a field medic, I was then recruited to the 501st. And well here I am talking to you" he smiled.

" oh come on there's got to be more than that, give me more than just crust to this sandwich!" she excailmed. " I know, what about your head tattoos"

" oh these" he ran is fingers over the tattooed letters.

" no the other tattoos on you head no of course those" she groaned.

He rolled his eyes in amusement " while it translates to " a dead droid is a good droid

. It something my squad mate used to say when I was a cadet we called him Mech"

"What happened to him" she asked.

"He died next me on our first mission, never seen a brother so excited to help people."

Presphone looked a Kix with sympathy. "Kix I'm so sorry"

" he died doing what he always wanted to do, help people. He saved me and my squad by jumping on a bomb that was meant for me. He told me that he'd do it again, and he made me promise that not matter what I'd always help those who needed me. I got the tattoo as a way to keep his legacy alive."

A single tear fell down his face as presphone brushed her hands over his cheek.

He watched her eyes full of sympathy trace his face with concern. The way she looked at him made him want to squeeze the sadness out of her and replace it with a warmer feeling. He didn't know what posed him next but he pressed his lips into hers earning a muffled Yelp of surprise before she melted into the kiss. He couldn't have felt happier than in that moment.

"Aaah hisss Ahh their kissing omg my eyes"

Kix pulled away harshly bitting his lip.in the corner was Nara carrying a bag of ice in her hands.

"I can't believe I just saw that aah my eyes! now Im the third wheel whatever will I do aaaah" she dramatically collapsed on the floor.

Presphone was laughing her face off at the amount of blush covering Kixs face.

"I did not act that dramatic"! He exclaimed.

"No I think I got your reaction down to a T" Nara mused propping her head up on her hand.

"What are you doing in here anyways" Kix grumbled.

"Came to get ice Rex hit his head on a pipe again" she shrugged.

"Of course he did" he sighed.

"Well I should probably go" she picked her self up and brushed the dust off her pants. "Don't have two much fun while I'm away"

And with that she left a laughing Presphone and a fire hydrant red Kix along in the room.

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