Kix x reader ( medical recruit)

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"Hey toots you excited for today"

I rolled my eyes.

"I told you stop calling me that I have a name"

Jaxon grinned leaning in closer as he held onto the ships strap above his head.

"Oh come on tell me you aren't excited"

Sighing I knew he wouldn't stop "you could say I'm nervously excited"

He chuckled to him self as he looked me up and down "you've got nothing to be nervous about while I'm around" he winked.

You shook your head the boy couldn't take a hint.

"Thanks but I can handle myself, toots" you cheekily added turning your head to the areal view of the base below you.

A grunt told you Jaxon had lost interest and had gone back to whatever he was originally doing.

Finally after all this training and putting up with Jaxon I can finally be of some use. The thought brought a smile to my lips.



"New recruits coming in you nervous" Rex asked as he stood beside me.

Looking up from my data pad that held the names of the new field medics I faced him.

"Honestly I'm rather excited".

He raised his brow "Oh, how so"

"Just got a feeling that's all, sir"

The ship filled with the recruits touched down, the wind blowing past us sending dust into the air. Covering my eyes as the dust settled down I could make out seven new recruits as they stepped out. Each wore medical robes in white, which they would later trade in for armour to protect them while in the field.

The majority were clones while the rest were different races from republic planets. As I swept my eyes over them I couldn't help but do a double take at the last one. A female field medic was a rare one during theses times, usually you would find them on medical stations helping out , but never did you find one in the field. She had a determined look upon her face as she lined up with the rest of the recruits. Her (h/c) hair was neatly tucked back into a bun at the top of her head ,and she had (e/c) eyes that tore through me making my cheeks warm when she faced me.

"Oh force" I gulped fumbling with my data pad.

I could see Rex looking at me through raised brows out of the Conner of my eye.

"Welcome to christophis recruits, names Rex but you may call me captain or sir"

"Sir, yes sir"!

"This here's Kix he's our senior medic and will be helping you with the remainder of your training, so you report to him am I understood"

"Yes sir"!

"Uggh great we have to work with these mutants" a groan of disgust filled my ears.

A frown set upon my lips as my eyes meet the voices face.

The female medic shared my look.

"Try working with you! I'm sorry sir, he's not much of a people person" she sighed shooting daggers at her co worker.

"He clearly picked the wrong job then" I chuckled.

"That's what I told him sir, but then he never used his brain much either" she grinned.

I smiled back feeling Rex step beside me he Sharing the same expression I held earlier .

"What's your name corporal"?

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