Echo alive part 2

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Nara felt the blood drain from her face, as the air to her lungs was sucked out. Echo alive that couldn't be! She felt his death; almost as if she had experienced it herself. If Rex and the men were pranking her, she wasn't sure if she could handle it; it would be to cruel of a joke for her. Her head was spinning with so many questions that the floor spun around her like a carousel on heroine.

"He's.... alive" she breathed out shakily.

"Nara you need to sit down" kix motioned to a chair.

She could barely hear Kixs voice over the sound of her internal thoughts, screaming in her head. Flashes of memories of Echo flashed in her mind, showing clear images. One showed the first time they ever met, it showed a younger version of echo acting completely shy and beet red as a tomato as he introduced himself . Another showed the first time Echo decided to train with her in hand to hand combat. He of course put up a good fight, but due to Nara's intense training she was far better than the poor trooper. No matter how hard he tried he always ended up on the mat, this resulted in Fives teasing Echo the rest of the night. Out of pity she brought him caf and a cupcake as a peace offering. And the last memory was of the night the two spent on Mandolore. She remembered the jealous look he gave each man and women who dared looked in her direction. She remembered how funny he looked as his ears redden in annoyance as she danced with a man who got a little to friendly. But most of all the kiss they shared. He had done it out of protection to keep her cover safe, but deep down she knew it meant something more.


Kix waved his hand across her eyes trying to regain her attention,but his attempts had little effect. Rex had gotten up, his hands rested on her shoulders,trying to regain her focus.

"Nara,focus it's ok "

But he was too late she was too overwhelmed by the sudden news that the room spun out of view and she dropped to the floor.


"Hey dock hows the men...."

Harvey walked into the medical centre just in time to witness a group of clones in hush voices talk. But what caught his eye was the familiar trooper in her shade of blue. Her face had gone pale as snow, and her loving amber eyes glazed over in a dull blackness. He watched intently as kix and Rex approached the paling trooper, as they repeatedly tried to regain her focus. He could sense her distress,even see it as clear as a picture. Suddenly out of nowhere he saw the flash of images in her mind one after another of a person, no not a person, a man, A man that she knew. They were painful memories to see for her, he could feel that. Suddenly he felt them stop as her mind darkened, she was slipping. Without thinking he ran toward the group managing to catch her as she slipped in unconscious.

" what on earth, Genral were did you come from"! Kix exclaimed.

"I sensed something was wrong. It lead me here, and just in time".

Harvey carefully picked Nara up bridal style and carried her to the closet medical bed in the makeshift medical centre. And placed her down.

"I may be able to relieve her mental pain,but waking up will be up to her" he sighed.

"What are you going to do Sir?" Rex raised a brow.

"Relax Rex, the generals a healer he'll use his voodoo Jedi powers to help her relax" Spades spoke as he came closer to the group carrying fresh bandages.

The men let out a stifled laugh.

"I've heard about this Jedi healing, my sources say it's usually helpful" tech inputted.

"Thank you tech, that puts my mind at ease" hunter fake sighed.

Harvey rolled his eyes in amusement and began to work, tracing his hands above her.


Rex didn't need to be a Jedi to feel the amusement of his brothers around him. Especially Clone force 99. They had been briefed on the flights who Nara was and her very obvious thing with the General by Fives and Jesse, but mostly Fives due to Jesse being weary of the men. They found it quite amusing, except crosshair who kept to himself for the most part. Unless they talked about her extensive training. So when that said General was leaned over that certain trooper, he knew that they were all pretty happy to tell her about it later. He could just picture her face when she found out, of course she would deny that she had feelings. But Rex was more concerned about the General who leaned over his sister. He had noticed the way he looked at her as he picked her up bridal style, it was not the look a General gave a trooper.

(20 mins later)

Cody had been stabilized and was sent o a baca tank for further healing. Rex was relieved hearing Cody was going to be ok, as were the others especially hunter who was also close with the commander. Nara on the other hand was slowly waking up ,her face was still pale and her usually soft eyes were as hard as jagged rocks. The distress was clear on her face. Harvey and kix sat her up slowly as her breath steadily regained. She took the drink offered by dock and gulped down the glass, quickly wiping the droplets off the comers of her mouth. Fives who had been siting in the chair beside her finally looked her in the eyes, it broke him to see the pain she was in. Nara could see his pain as well, she knew what they all must have felt.

"I promise you Fives on my life, we're going to get him back"

I know this is a little late but I hope you guys enjoy hopeful I'll get the other parts done soon😊

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