Commander Wolf x reader (soap wars)

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 the noise of soldiers and ships being repaired buzzed in my ears . As I was currently hanging upside down on the wing of a transport and enjoying life as I helped scrub the dirt from the wing of the ship. Currently my old master, plo koon and myself had been assigned to tag team with General Skywalker and the 501st on a mission to Andorran (made up planet) to provide relief support to its people. During my time on board I had free time on my hands and decided to meet with some of the 501st . where I was soon welcomed into their ranks like a little sister, just like the wolf pack did when I was younger . Currently I had been helping with repairs as I had some mechanic training and though I could put it to good use.

"(Y/n) you alive up there"

Looking down I saw the smug look upon his face.

"No Fives I'm currently a living ghost whose decided to live her afterlife by cleaning ships" I sighed.

A snicker was heard below the ship as sinker and boost popped there heads out.

"She's got you there" boost chuckled.

Fives rolled his eyes and turned back towards me.

"Anyways hows it coming along you've been up their for over an hour , thought you'd be done by now"

"Oh I was done about half an hour ago I was just enjoying laying here" I mused.

"So you been slacking off this whole time when you could've been helping us down here General" sinker mused.

"Yep" I stretched out like a cat.

" good grief your just as bad as you were when you were a padwan" he exclaimed.

"Oh come on I was an angle and you know it" I grinned .

"What ever you say General" he rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Excuse me!" I raised a brow.

"Your excused" he replied rather cheekily.

"Oh your so dead" I chuckled grabbing my sponge and tossing it at him.

His eyes widened in shock as the sponge gracefully smacked him in the face.

Rubbing his now red check he turned to his brothers who were grinning mischievously.

I knew I was in trouble.

Before I had a chance to escape they had pulled me from the wing of the ship and had decided to rub soaked soapy sponges all over my face . I was covered in the filthy soap water. I could hear the amused chuckling from behind my curtain of drenched hair.

" you boys are so gonna pay for that" I grinned picking up a nearby hose.

"You wouldn't dare" Fives gasped pushing boost forward.

" wanna bet"

I turned the hose on them drenching them in freezing cold water as I chased them around.


(Wolf's POV)

" I wonder what the Generals up to? She was suppose to check in a while ago about ship repairs that needed to be done" I grumbled, feeling anxious.

"She's probably hanging out with some of the boys" Rex assured.

But I wasn't having it, she was being careless and frankly I was worried about her.

"Still, might as well go see if she's alright" I sighed.

Rex smirked "alright whatever puts your nerves at ease"

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