"Shut up" "make me"

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Nara x Clancey reader

I'm not sure if I ship them entirely but I thought I'd entertain the idea of the two together  without further ado I hope you guys enjoy the story and it makes you laugh😊

Months had passed and Nara and Clancey's relationship had grown since their first mission. Rex liked to call it mutual hate, Echo liked to call it consitpated anger, Fives liked to call it sexual frustration . The two would be found constantly bickering over the simplest of things such as Clancey's habit of pushing buttons . Today in practical was the most entertaining for Fives and his brothers as they watched the drama unfold in front of their eyes. The arguments usually would start with insults and banter between the two parties it usually went something like this.

"Well hello buzz kill" Clancey smiled as he sauntered over to the table.

"Well Hello oversized toddler" Nara groaned.

"You know you should really practice more often, your last shots today in practice we're way off" Clancey sighed shoving a ration bar into his mouth.

Nara nose scrunched as she turned to face him.

"You wouldn't know a good shot if you saw one" she spat.

"Well clearly you need to get your eyes checked cause yours were bad, like really bad, even for you" Clancey exaggerated.

"Now wait a minute buster, you couldn't do better even if your life depended on it" she chirped.

Clancey eyes widened in shock and his cheeks flushed.

"Could two with my eyes closed doll"

"Doll oh ho oh you better watch it cowboy either wise you'll have to put your money we're your mouth is" she huffed.

"Oh yah well while we're at it I might as well tell yah I'm a much better fighter than you'll ever be" he smudged.

"Wanna bet training hall in an hour" she grinned standing up from her seat to face him. "It's time to see if your not just all talk"

She turned purposefully bumping her shoulder into his side and strutting her way out of the mess hall.

"Yah we'll see" he chuckled to himself.


"Oh no" Fives groaned.

"What"Echo raised a brow.

" the frustration has grown to full lust" he cringed pointing to Nara and Clancey.

" I wish you would stop saying that" Echo huffed. "besides they'd much rather rip each other's heads off than give each other a fist bump" he pointed out.

"Nah your just not paying attention theirs chemistry I can feel it" Fives sighed dreamily .

Echo rolled his eyes.

" only one problem Cupid she's already got eyes for a certain leprechaun of a General"

" Echo you and I both know that the Harvey and Nara have been distant with one another for some time" Fives said frowning.

" you drama queen he's been gone for six months to help train new troops, of course they would be distant" Echo explained, slightly annoyed.

" still they're not together or anything" Fives argued.

"True" Echo sighed.

"See so all we have to do is just move things along" Fives stated." I mean what could go wrong"

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