The Flirt wars returns

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I just wanted to write another one of these one shots , enjoy the chaos :)

" How's your head doing?" Persephone asked as she placed an ice pack on Kix's head.

Kix looked up with a dopey smile" which one?" he asked.

Persphone gasped as she smacked Kix's chest plate.

Fives was wheezing so hard echo had to smack his back to make sure he wasn't choking.

"Okay how hard did you tag him with that blaster? " Rex asked.

" In Nara's defense she did choose to stun" echo shrugged .

Rex raised a brow.

"He shouldn't have scared me!" Nara huffed.

Echo frowned " he was walking around the corner " he sighed.

" We'll he shouldn't be lurking around corners " Nara huffed " it's creepy, nearly scared me to death".

"We know, you could hear your screams from Tatooine," Fives mused.

Rex rubbed his brows.

Presphone laughed. " it's Friday night, you know what that means"

" Kix is getting laid tonight," Fives laughed. Echo smacked fives in the back of his head.

" No you pervert" presphone sighed. " It's time for the flirt wars , this time the winner gets all their drinks paid for them when we go to 79's" she said excitedly. " and after all the things you've put me through this week cough fives cough "

Fives shrugged.

" I could use a few drinks," she said.

Nara laughed sounds good I'll call the boys. Nara pressed her coms " hey boys meet us at the mess hall in five, and bring your best pickup lines"


"Why is everything so spiny?" Kix slurred as persephone helped him to the floor beside her.

Anakin and Harvey raised their eyebrows at Rex, who in turn shrugged and pointed to a sheepish Nara who shuffled her blasters.

"Alright gang you know the drill, whoever can out flirt everyone and remain standing gets their drinks paid for, for the entire evening at 79's" fives said as he addressed the room. Everyone nodded in agreement. " good, who'd like to start"

"I would, " Harvey spoke up. "Rex"

Everyone stared in shock.

"Force help me " nara muttered under her breath.

"Rex i'd take you to the cinema but they don't let you bring your own snacks "

Nara pushed her face further into her hands, as she muttered curse words under her breath.

Rex turned to her sister " you're really hitting that" he asked. Nara smacked his chest plate earning a giggle from everyone except Harvey who seemed to find his toes interesting.

"Ok fine, general, are you the moon because I wanna be thousands of miles away from you".

" REX"!

"Alright before a homicide starts I appoint nix " anakin spoke up.

Nix smirked before cracking her knuckles and turning towards a nervous looking clancey .

"Hey corporal, are you winter because you'll be coming soon" she grinned.

"Welp that was a mistake" Anakin muttered as Clanceys only managed to let out a flustered sigh.

"You could say I'm a little frostbitten," Clancey squeaked.

In turn Nix hadn't expected him to come up with a comeback, which earned a slight blush on the commander's cheeks.

"Heck yeah our little brothers got balls" kyber yelled " Nix and clancey are out in order to warm up"

Everyone laughed as Nix and Clancey both flushed with embarrassment before leaving the circle .

"Alright Fives"

The arc trooper grinned as he eyed his next victim "general skywalker"

Anakin smiled wearily "yes fives"

Fives grinned " wanna be my naboo" he said.

Anakin's face dropped as Harvey and Rex started wheezing on the floor.

"The generals out," Fang yelled. "Ok hmm Nara "

Nara looked up from her hands to find twenty pairs of eyes on her. "Yes Fang"?

"Why don't we play titanic ? you'll be the iceberg and i'll go down" he snickered.

"FANG I SWEAR TO THE ASHLA I WILL STRANGLE YOU" harvey snapped making anakin laugh.

"I'm afraid nara will have ,with her thighs later tonight" Fang mused.

Nara's mouth dropped open in shock. Harvey jumped from his spot and tackled Fang to the floor " I'm gonna whoop your wrinkled yoda looking butt" Harvey yelled.

"Harvey for kriff sake get off of him" nara sighed.

"I'm pretty sure ive seen this in a holovid somewhere" Fives said, making echo smack him.

"Alright Mr. Grumpy pants I'm putting you on a time out" Anakin said as he pried Harvey off of fang who had a massive shit eating grin on his face.

"Pay up spades," Fang yelled.

"I can't believe he did it" Spades sighed as he handed his CO fifty credits.

"You're all dead to me" Harvey yelled from his corner.

"Ok mr.grumpy pants" nara sighed as she got up "sorry guys he didn't have his coffee this morning"

"Well you two are nowhere late to breakfast" khyber spoke up.

Nara sent her sister a glare earning amused grins from the group.

Shaking her head she sighed " well i forfeit as im on general duty seeing as i might have to stop another idiotic fight" she said looking towards fang and rex who smiled with shit eating grins back.

Everyone laughed.

"Alright who's next "echo spoke up.


Time skip.

It was down to echo and persephone as everyone had either been kicked out or had lost.

"Alright Echo are you a scientist"?

Echo frowned "no, Why?"

"Oh no reason " persephone said "it's just that i would like to do you on the table periodically.

Echo's lips twisted as he tried to hold back a laugh. " there's no way I can beat that , persephone wins"

Everyone cheered as the medic took a bow "heck yah" she cheered. This seemed to catch kixs attention as he sat up and took persephone's hand.

"Presphone" he slurred, catching everyone's attention.

"Yes, kix," she asked suspiciously .

"Did you know that the body is made of 75% water? " Kix asked .

"Yes id did" persephone said "where are you going with this "

"Well I'm extremely thirsty, can I have a drink?" Kix asked as he grabbed her waist pulling her in closure before bringing her hand to her chin to pull her into a kiss.

Everyone started hooting and hollering, even nara who had a sleepy harvey on her shoulder and hera who laughed on her otherside.

When he pulled back Persephone's face was a mosaic of red and pinks.

"KIX WINS" fives shouted making everyone laugh in agreement 

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