when was the last time you slept?

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Author note: this was a request I got from 1234shadowwing . For prompt # 9 or 6 I think a ways hope you enjoy the fluff.

Kix peered over at his sister from behind his fifth cup of coffee and frowned. She was dozing off and completely ignoring everyone. Considering the bags under her eyes could have carried luggage ,she hadn't slept for sometime, or at all. Even Five's impression of General Kenobi wasn't enough to snap her out of her trance. It seemed kix wasn't the only one who had noticed, The rest of the men at the table seemed to realize her state. Jesse nudged Kix

"Is she in a comma"

Kix shook his head in amusement "no"

"You sure" Fives mused "she looks like she's dead".

"I'm pretty sure" Kix mused and took another sip from his cup.

"Nara" Fives taped her arm.

"Fives leave her alone" Echo cautioned.

Of course Fives didn't listen .

"NARA"! he practically yelled, shaking her shoulder.

Nara hand slipped from under her chin, causing her smash face first into a pile of mashed potatoes on her plate.

Nara bolted up right nearly smacking heads with Fives.

"IM UP, IM UP" she practically screeched.

There was mash potatoes dripping down her face and onto the floor.

Fives was biting his lip trying to hold back his laughter,Jesse was full blown chuckling , Echo was wide eyed , and kix just snickered into his cup.

" morning Boys" a voice spoke from behind"

" Morning captain" the clones said in unison.

Rex's brow frowned as he noticed the mash potatoes that covered Nara's face.

"Morning captain"

she yawned rubbing her potato covered cheek.

Rex frowned.

"Nara ,When was the last time you slept"?

Nara frowned.

"I think I slept last Tuesday or was that Saturday"

"You haven't slept in two weeks" Rex exclaimed.

"You make it sound like it's bad thing" she whined

Rexs pinch the bridge of his nose with his hand .

"Because it is"

" Well I've survived this long on caffeine ,I think I'll be fine," she shrugged.

" No actually that's really bad for you," Kix stated.

" Why do you do it all the time?" she exclaimed.

" Well it's because I have to be around to keep an eye on idiots like you," kix retorted.

" I don't know if I should smack you or smack you harder" she grumbled.

" I vote for option #2!! Jesse exclaimed.

Rex shook his head.

" on a different note the generals have requested you to meet them on the bridge"

"Alright, let's go" she got up from the table and walked towards the door.

" hey Nara" kix yelled.

" Yes, nurse," she sighed.

Kix rolled his eyes, then threw her a towel

" you might need this"


"Alright so we have just received orders from Obiwan that we are going on a mission as extra security for the duchess of mandalore" Ankain addressed the small group of troopers.

Nara nodded , she was finding it hard not to doze off as he explained the plan and other boring details.

"Sounds like a good plan Anakin, how many are we sending" Harvey spoke up.

"Just a small group" he said.

"Who do you have in mind '' Harvey asked, seeing the sleepy commander to his left. He couldn't help but smile seeing her sleepy eyes and warm cheeks.

Anakin pointed towards the group.

" Rex,Fang, Fives,Echo, Jesse,Spades Hu, Jex, Gus, oh and Nara"

Ankain grinned as he said the last word.

Harvey quickly turned his eyes.

" I see well shouldn't we get going.......then" he paused as he felt his left shoulder grow heavy.

As if on cue Harvey could feel the amusement in the room. The group of clones behind him seemed to buzz with amusement. Anakin was the worst, as Harvey could see, Anakin's eyes widened in surprise as he suppressed a chuckle. Harvey turned his head in curiosity only to end up blushing tenfold. Of all the people to fall asleep on his shoulder it had to be her. Nara had passed out with her head resting on Harvey's shoulder . She was breathing softly as she nuzzled closer into Harvey. Poor man nearly had a heart attack from the butterflies in his stomach. Ankain was grinning so hard harvey swore his head might pop off. Harvey tried to move her head only to receive a glare from Rex.

"Don't you dare move sir" he growled "this is the first time she's fallen asleep in two weeks"

Harvey froze not wishing to meet the full force of her brothers wrath if she woke up.

"Well it's not like she can sleep on my shoulder for the rest of the evening" he whispered.

"Not that you would mind sir" Jex spoke up.

The group of men broke out into a fit of laughter as Harvey's face darkened in embrasement.

" I may have an idea General" Gus spoke up.


The clones had called Ashoka ahead of time and brought warm fuzzy blankets into the two girl's room. They had made a mound of pillows and put soft calming music inside the room. When they were finished Naras bed looked like the perfect place to be snuggled up into the covers.

"Alright general we are ready to bring in the sleeping beauty" Gus chuckled.

Harvey shook his head and turned towards the sleeping commander and in one try scooped her up bridal style .

"You did that without a problem being practicing haven't you" Anakin mused.

"Yes sir he has been" Fang grinned " he uses Jex as a pratice dummy"

Anakin laughed.

Harvey glared at them " I hate you both"


Gus and Echo opened the doors for Harvey as he brought Nara into the room. Fives were standing by the music and spades were pulling back the covers. As Harvey went to place Nara down he felt his foot bump into something . He stumbled dropping Nara onto the bed and landing a centimeter above her face. Fives and spades were covering each other's mouths trying not to laugh, especially considering Spades tripped the general on purpose. Echo shook his head and grabbed his brothers by the ears and dragged them out of the room. Gus quickly followed behind them, but not before he turned on the music. Poor Harvey was frazzled as he tried not to move. Then to his surprise Nara cuddled into him wrapping her arms around him forcing him to lay down. The poor man was blushing so hard, he was more than grateful Ankain wasn't in the room. He shly turned towards Nara and smiled sheepishly. She looked so peaceful sleeping on his chest, he didn't want to wake her. So, he decided to spend the night.


Later that night Ashoka walked into her room after Anakin had asked her to go see her where Harvey went. To Ashoka surprise she found Nara and Harvey passed out under the covers. She smiled to herself and quickly took a photo and sent it to the 501st group chat. " good night you too" she chuckled before stepping out of the room. 

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