Monopoly with the 501st

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Jex looked around the barracks with a mischievous smile upon his face. His brothers and sister were all relaxing in their bunks and talking about upcoming missions and hilarious stories that could make you collapse with laughter. One that he really liked was when Rex was thrown off a cliff by The two Jedi and he screamed like a little girl (Fives words exactly). He made his way over towards Echo and Fives bunk, carefully making sure he didn't drop the box he was carrying. He made his way into the circle of troopers, and abruptly yelled

"who's up for monopoly, winner takes all"

You could almost hear a pin drop as the troopers in the room all grinned at each other devilishly.

"I'll take that as a yes then" Jex mused. Placing the paper box down in the centre of the room.

They all jumped down from their bunks and sat in a circle placing the board game down. Echo was the banker making sure everyone followed the rules and handed out the money.

Fives frowned as he counted his money.

"Hey Echo you missed another hundred dollar bill"

Echo frowned "no I don't think I did, let me count"

Fives passed him the paper money and echo counted.

"One hundred ...two Hundred...... no I got the right amount" Echo stated.

"No your wrong you forgot to give me a pity bill" Fives whined.

"Pity bill" Rex cocked a brow.

"Yah a pity bill, it's when I feel bad that Echo lost and decided to donate to the poor" Fives mused, earring a clap round the head from Echo.

Nara grabbed the dice and rolled them across the board as her brothers watched.

"Six ....1....2....3.....4....5....6"

"I'm gonna buy the mess hall for $128" she handed Echo her paper bills

"You can't buy property the first round" Echo sighed.

"But I want the property" Nara pouted.

"But you can't buy anything the first round"he stated

"Why not" she grumbled.

"Because it's against the rules" he said.

"Well the rules can kiss my arse, I'm buying that property" she exclaimed.

"No your not" Echo grumbled pulling the card closer.

"Yes I am you shavit"! She exclaimed

"Kiss my ass" Echo grumbled.

"Didn't need to know what's on your to do list, but thanks! now can I have that property or do I have to pry it from your hands" she mused.

Echos cheek darken in embarrassment and handed her the card.

"See that wasn't that hard" she sighed passing the money over.

Fives and Rex were laughing hard .

Poor Echo.

"Alright my turn" Kix stated, grabbing the dice.

"Twelve! 1...2...3....4....5.....6....7....8.....9...10...11....12"

"You got doubles role again" spades pointed out.

"Ok" he rolled again. "Twelve"!

"Ok last turn if you roll another double you go to jail" spades grinned bitting his lower lip in excitement.

"You wanna bet" kix challenged.

"I'll take that! loser has to pay the other fifty credits" spades grinned.

"Your on"! Kix rolled the dice and TWELVE!

"Hahah yes, pay up nurse" spades gloated

Kix calmly reached into his back pocket and quietly handed a card to spades. The others watched in excitement and anticipation as spades read the card.

"A get out of jail free card, well you still have to pay me" Spades stated.

"On the contrary my friend, you said if I went to jail. You see I'm am not in jail, so I don't have to pay you" kix smirked.

"That not how that works" spades flabbergasted.

"Well he s not wrong he isn't in jail" Echo stated.

"Oh screw you" spades growled.

"Pay up, sweetheart " kix mused holding his hand out.

" you my friend are the absolute worst" spades groaned.

" I know" kix smiled sweetly.

(Six hours later)

Kix had nearly half the board under his control and Rex had the other quarter . Spades was able to get the two most expensive spots on the board and placed buildings on them taking Fives and Jex out of the game due to bankruptcy .

And Nara had teamed up with spades together they were kicking everyone's butts.

"It's down to spades, Nara, Kix,and Rex" Fives pretended to speak into a microphone. "Let's see who will win"


Jesse who had recently came back from patrol came stumbling into the room exhausted. He wasn't aware that a game of monopoly was going on and watched into the circle of troopers.

" hey guys what are you do..."

poor Jesse had stumbled over the board and smacked his face on the floor as paper flew through the air.

"Kriffin hell" Jesse groaned, he quickly got up and dusted himself off only to the see the death glares in the room.

"Hey guys what's with looks"

Echo pointed towards the monopoly board across the room.

Jesse paled as the group slowly approached him.

"Oh well haha bye"

Jesse ran from the room as he was chased by very angers troopers screaming in mando.

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