Agony of the two love struck Jedi

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Authors note : this was inspired by the song up above. Sorry of this is cringe but when I heard this all I could see was Harvey and Anakin doing this that or Fives and Echo but without further ado please enjoy  

Rex frowned as he took in the scene before him.

" Commander what's wrong with them"?

Fang looked down from his data pad and turned in the direction Rex was looking in. At the control panels he noticed The two Generals sulking as they practically laid on the holotable. Both had their heads placed on top of each other's deeply sighing and acting like moody teenagers who just got scolded by their mother. Perhaps obi wan had grounded them.

He frowned " I couldn't tell yah, Rex they've been like that all morning" he shrugged.

" I know sir"! Jex popped up from behind Spades and Fives who were going over battle steadies with Clancey and Kyber on the other side of the room.

" go on" Rex raised his brow.

" oh bother" Fang muttered " this should be good".

" I overheard General Kenobi telling them that Senator Amidala and Commander Nara we're going on a stealth mission to Bespin for four weeks" Jex eyed the Generals as they each took a heart wrenching sigh " it seems to be hitting them rather hard" he cringed.

Fang scoffed " that ridiculous"

Jex smirked "see for yourself, sir"

Harvey had gotten up and looked at Anakin.

" Did I abuse her"?

He asked.

Or show her disdain? Harvey perplexed

Anakin raised his brow.

Why does she run from me?

If I should lose her,

How shall I regain.

He sighed leaning against the holotable with a yearning look in his eye.

The heart she has won from me?


He cried out.

Beyond power of speech,

When the one thing you want

Is the only thing out of your reach."

He reached out his hand towards the window.

Everyone on the deck stopped what they were doing and looked at the Jedi General.

Anakin jumped onto the table and laid down on his back.

"High in her tower,

She sits by the hour,

Maintaining her hair."

He seemed to smile dreamily as if remembering a lovely daydream.

Blithe and becoming and frequently humming

A lighthearted air:

Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-" he hummed before his face turned deadly serious.


Far more painful than yours"

He pointed at Harvey making the Jedi knight scoff and roll his eyes.

"When you know she would go with you" he sounded miserable

"If only there were no rules".

He groaned flopping down on the table like a deflated balloon .

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