Mission misery pt 2

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Author note: yah finally finished hope you guys enjoy. The song above I was listening to and it reminded me of Clancey and Nara's hate love relationship so I had to put it up there. Anyways enjoy😊

The group had been walking for two hours towards the base, and frankly the group was starting to wear out.

"Let's stop here and rest up before we storm the base, I wanna make sure we have as much energy as we can muster before we attack" Nara said, plopping down on the ground and opening her cantina.

"You don't have to ask me twice" Fives groaned ,dramatically collapsing on the ground.

Echo rolled his eyes

"Do you always have to be this dramatic" he sighed.

"Echo that like asking me not breath" Fives gasped.

"No kidding " Clancey muttered

Nara stifled a laughter as she took another swig.

She may have thought this clone was annoying as hell but at least he had a sense of humour.

Clancey stood up and started walking in the direction of the base.

"Where you going" Nara frowned.

"I'm going to do some surveillance, see if there's an easy way into the base".

"No your not we need to stay together in case something goes wrong" she stated "besides they probably already know were coming due to the ship crashing"

"Well they didn't find any bodies they probably presumed we died in the crash" Clancey argued.

"Well you never know and I'd rather not risk any of us" Nara sighed trying to reason with him.

"I'm still going to look around" Clancey sighed.

"No your not ! now sit down , your being stupid" Nara groaned.

"Well I was trained to get a job done instead of sitting around" Clancey pouted

"Well I was taught to do a job properly by making sure my team can get the task done" Nara stated

Clancey lips twisted and his nose scrunched up.

"Well I was trained by delta squad, the best of the best. And believe me they taught me how to get a job done" he smirked thinking he won.

"Was that suppose to impress me" Nara mused crossing her arms.

Clancey gulped "well I mean it wasn't intentional but I guess ,did it work"

"Nope" Nara grinned popping the p

Clancey cheeks tinted with embarrassment "well I don't need your approval"

"It's cute that you think I'd give you anything" Nara sassed.

Clancey eyes widened and his lips scrunched "you constipated little buzz kill"

"You egotistical snarky toddler" she spat.

"Will you two get a grip your acting like kids" Echo grumbled .

"No I am not" they both yelled.

"Stop that" they both said

"No you"

"Stop it" they both glared intensively at each other.

Fives lips were twisted as he was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Let's get going, it's time we followed MY plan" she grinned cheekily before turning on her heel.

"You..you...your impossible" Clancey spat in frustration.

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