Hardcase's mission

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This was requested by AnimeDweeb2020

So quick summary reader loses pet and is understandably upset about their loss Hardcase finds out and make it his mission to cheer the reader up. Hope you enjoy 😊 ps if you guys have anymore requests feel free to ask.

I clutched the photo to my chest tightly as I could feel the pool of tears in the corner of my eyes. I hated this, why of all days did the universe feel like hurting me. I knew this would eventually happen, but not today. I urged myself to look at the photo of my beloved pet but my body felt numb and empty.

" who's ready to get their prank on"! A loud voice roared as Hardcase bursted through the doors. In his hands he carried loads of prank supplies, in particular pink glitter and hair dye.

I turned my head from him, averting my eyes.

" I'm not in the mood today, maybe some other time" I shrugged.

Hardcase frowned as he slowly lowered the supplies on the ground. " since when do you ever say no to pranking someone "?

" Since today" I mumbled, feeling stray tears make their way down my face .

Hardcase raised a brow and made his way over towards the bed. He placed his finger softly on my chin and encouraged my face to turn towards him. His eyes widened as he saw the tear stains that dampened my cheeks.

" Who and what do I have to kill? " he said seriously.

I shook my head choking back a sob " no one it's just-" I felt another tear fall down my face.

Hardcase used his gloved hand to wipe away the tear, his once happy demeanour changed to a more concerned tone.

"cyar'ika" He asked softly " what happened.

I slowly brought the photo up and pushed it into his hands. His face softened as he saw the picture of my dog playing with his favourite chew toy which Hardcase had made. It was a plushie of a droid.

" (pet's name) passed away this morning, Kix helped me bury them." A small wimped left my mouth " I just thought I had more time".

Hardcase put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me in for a hug.

Warmth flooded my senses as he wrapped his arms protectively around my body in comfort.

" it will be ok I promise"


Hardcase jumped up onto the mess hall table and cupped his hands together.

" 501st.......assemble" !

Suddenly men flooded into the mess hall from all directions.

From far in the corner came a deep sigh as Rex took the last sip of his coffee.

" What did you do now, Hardcase"?

" (y/n) is sad"

A loud gasp came from around the room as each of the men froze in place.

" Who's gonna die today point me at them"! Fives yelled.

" Yeah, they're gonna pay"! Spades shouted.

The room erupted into chaos as the men went Berserk.

" No one is dying today," Rex interjected.

" I agree" Fang interjected

" Hardcase what's wrong with (y

)"?Echo asked.

" (pet's name) passed away this morning" he sighed.

The room went quiet. Everyone knew that sha ti's padawan had a special bond with her pet, even though they had grown to love the little furball. Heck it even had a special place in the barracks for it to sleep.

" Therefore I have decided to assign everyone a mission," Hardcase said proudly.

" um HardCase you're not the captain" dogma frowned.

" He can be my captain," Jex smirked.

Rex raised his brow.

" look (y/n) is feeling really down. I thought we could transform the mez hall for a movie night and play (y/n) favourite movies" Hardcase shrugged. " which General Skywalker has generously given me permission".

" of course he did" Rex mused. " alright men you heard him get to work"


"Spades, Fives, put me down"!

"I'm afraid we can not do that commander" Fives smirk.

" and why not" I raised my brow, earring a cheeky smirk in response.

" we're under strict orders to bring you to the mess hall, sir," Spades grinned.

" who's orders-"

" Captain kirk's" Fives mused.

" Fives!" I began shaking in their grip as they practically dragged me through the halls. " I'm not in the mood today for whatever your pulling"! I wiggled again "honestly I will sick captain Rex on you if you don't-"

I froze in place as my eyes were met with the scene before me. All around me were blankets and chairs covered in troopers who had the biggest grins on their faces. In the middle of the room was a movie project that was currently playing the opening credits for my favourite movie ( movie of your choice) on the big sheet of white fabric that was held together by duct tape and string.


" No way you guys, you're all too sweet" I smiled, placing a hand on my heart, I could already feel the tears pricking my eyes.

" don't look at us, it was Hardcase's idea" Fives smiled.

Out of the crowd Hardcase was shoved by his older siblings Rex and Nara toward me.

" hey woah" he slipped landing on his chest with a triumphant fall earring a round of laughter from the men around him.

" Are you ok?" I laughed as I helped him up.

" yah I much better" he smirked " especially since your now here "

I rolled my eyes playfully and punched him in the shoulder.

" so you did all of this for me"

" Why not?" he shrugged. " you were feeling so down about the loss of (pet name) I made it my mission to cheer you up" he smiled.

I smiled as I felt the tears go down my cheeks.

" thank you" sob, " your so sweet" sob " how can I ever thank you" sob.

Five's eyes widened and spades cringed as they took a step away.

" Is she ok" they asked with widened eyes.

" yes I'm fine I'm just" sob " a bit of an emotional mess today" sob.

" I'll say" dogma frowned, earring a smack in the head from Rex.

Hardcase smiled as he wrapped his arm around my back and led me towards a seat where he dropped a blanket around us.

As the movie began to play I nuzzled into his chest and laid my head on his shoulder making him pull me in closer.

" You're pretty awesome, did you know that" ? I smirked.

" yah I had a feeling" Hardcase grinned.

I smirked, placing a soft kiss on his cheek making him grin.

" get a room for you two"! Dogma barked.

" get a personality"! Hardcase spat as he tossed a bucket of popcorn at dogmas head. This however was a mistake as movie night turned into food fight night. Of course obi wan found out in the morning and made everyone clean up but all in all hardcases mission was a success.

He got you to smile. 

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