Echo alive part 4

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Nara grew restless as she watched the two generals map out a strategy for taking over the separatist base. It had been more than twelve hours since they had rescued Echo from the slimy clutches of the techno union, and she wanted nothing more than to comfort him and Fives. She painfully looked back at the way Fives had looked when he locked eyes with his brother. The look of horror and guilt poured out of him like a tsunami of emotions, it nearly brought her to her knees.

"I think I can help General"

The voice broke her thoughts and commanded her to look. If she hadn't been on the mission to rescue echo she would have sworn she was looking at a figment of her imagination. Yet he was different, the medics had done a wonderful job supplying him with proper prosthetics, and tying away the metal plates in the back of his skull. They would have to be something she would get used to.

Nara watched as Rex reluctantly let echo explain his plan. It would involve sending fake algorithms to the separatist command ship, to confuse and reek chaos in their ranks. Nara liked the idea but the fact that they would be going back into enemy territory with the very thing she swore to protect, ticked her off . In the end however she agreed, the group transcended down the stairs and out of command post. They had a mission to get done.


"This mission is to be strictly stealth"

Anakin cautioned. He had tagged along to assist the bad batch,Nara, Echo, Fives and Rex in their mission.

"Don't worry sir we're more than capable to get the job done"Hunter responded.

Nara and The men nodded in agreement, they were more than capable. Fives hushed whispers brought her attention to the back of the ship, were he and Echo sat.

"I'm ok Fives it's not your fault, we had mission to do. You had no choice but to leave me"

Fives let out a long sigh.

"I know. But no brother of mine should ever suffer the way you did"

" it's ok vod. there's no way I'm leaving again,count on it"

Nara listened carefully and silently hoped Echo was right.


"Alright I don't know how we did it but we're some how still under the radar" Anakin shook his head.

"Likewise sir" Rex muttered.

They had managed to storm the base Undetected,despite the bad batch braking into the stronghold like a bunch of toddlers with guns.

"The rooms this way, I'm picking it up on my scanners" tech pointed out.

"Good, let's get going" Rex nodded.


Once inside the room two troopers were placed outside of the doors and hallways to keep any unwanted visitors from interrupting their plans.

"Alright, I'm just gonna plug in"

Echo extended his arm and used the tip of the prosthetic to connect with the devices. The machine began sending random signals to the command ship as Echo sent incorrect data to the General in charge.

"Hey Echo what are you sending" Fives questioned carefully.

"Random codes, such as republic flanking maneuvers and escape routes".

"This is General windu, Kenobi, Dios and I are being overrun by the battle droids. Tell Skywalker that we need an advantage now"!

Rex picked up his comn

"Acknowledge General. Echo you better think of something or this battle may be lost"

"I may have an idea" Echo grinned, clearly pleased with his train of thought.

"Yah and what's that"

"I'm gonna send all the droids to the genrals positions and once the droids are all their I'll send out a deactivation command".

"Echo your a genus,but you......"

It was subtle, but the electric plus ripped down the control broad. Nara had barely a second to react before she shoved Echo out of the way and took the full impact of the shock. The electricity ripped through her nervous system sending a agonizing pain throughout her body. It felt as though her limbs were being ripped out of their sockets and thrown to the ground in a matter of seconds. Her lips unwilling releasing a growl of pain. Overcome by the sudden plus of the electric current her body caved in, the pain being to much to handle. The last thing she saw the light of the room fading out of view than nothing but the quite darkness that swallowed her up.

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