Republics fashion week

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Authors note : each charter will have some sort of theme music so for the best experience wear headphones or be aware that there is music that goes along with the one shot. Enjoy 😉 

" there's no way"

" please Rex this for an important event"! (Y/n) pleaded.

The captain looked down with frustration. " if you think I'm strutting down a runway, you must be as crazy as Skywalker''!

" Oh come on! the event Is for raising war bonds for medical relief plus,the others agreed, you're the only one who needs to say yes." (Y/n) exclaimed. " please do this for me" her eyes widened in the biggest guilt trip Rex had ever seen " I need your help"

Rex's nose scrunched " ugh Fine" he sighed deeply "but you owe me . AndI'm not wearing heels"!.

"Deal"! (Y/n) shook Rex's hand and proceeded to drag him towards the clone barracks where the others were waiting. They made it just in time to watch Fives and Nara walk in heels as Kix gracefully strutted around them in a pair of six inch StéLouse.

"Um what's going on here? I told you guys you needed to get ready an hour ago" (y/n) frowned.

" We were, we just got a little sidetracked, that's all" Fives grinned as he stumbled onto his face.

Rex cringed. " well I see you picked the best models the republic has to offer"

(Y/n) frowned " don't forget captain I did ask you to model too" she replied sarcastically, earning a look of shock and bashfulness from Rex's face.


"Alright (y/n) is everyone getting ready we have three hours untill the show and we still need to go through the walk through and check the lighting and sound systems" obi wan exclaimed as he marched in through the curtain with Anakin and Ahsoka desperately trying to keep up with the Jedi master.

" yes we're almost ready .... Alright ladies and gentlemen go get dressed, we'll meet back in an hour" (y/n) said nervously clasping her hands together .

" I've got a bad feeling about this " Rex sighed to Nara as (y/n) grabbed him by the arm.


It was fifteen minutes before the show and everyone was whispering excitedly behind the curtain. However (Y/n's) stomach was in knots, she did design these outfits after all. They fiddled with the piece of paper in her hands slowly tearing it into tiny strips.

" honest option does this suit make my butt look fat"?

(Y/n) turned to see Fives walking around and striking poses. She let out an airy laugh.

"No but you look like a hooker," Kix mused.


(Y/n) snorted, making everyone around her laugh.

" don't mind them, these outfits are amazing. With your talent we're sure to raise enough money to buy the medical supplies we so desperately need" Rex said warmly placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

" thank you captain" she blushed.


Everyone got together and stood in line as the lights lowered and the sound of the crowd boomed from behind the red velvet curtain.

" alright that's my cue wish me luck" (y/n) winked as she slipped past the curtain.

Rex smiled " you won't need it"


"hello coursant"!

The crowd roared making (y/n) gulp down a nervous squeak. " thank you for coming tonight as we know all proceeds are going towards purchasing relief aid packages for our brave troops and affected republic allies."

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