It's raining troopers

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The aroma of salt water was strong as the ship swayed with the rhythm of the waves. Harvey couldn't lie he felt rather sea sick looking over the edge of the ship, how the men could jump thousand of feet out of the sky and into that fish bowl of death , he'd never understand . Today the 501st and 306th battalions we're getting hands on training in underwater tactics and strategies lead by a task of scuba troopers lead by non other than master Fisto.

"Your looking a little greener than usually Harvey, maybe you want to sit this one out" Kit gave his legendary smile.

Harvey rolled his eyes " master I'm always green, however if the ship rocks one more time I might spew on the deck"

Kit laughed making the Jedi knight feel less worried about his jump into the dark waters bellow.

"Don't worry General your in great hands the men and I won't let you get eaten by any sea creatures while we're down there" Monk assured.

Harvey gave the trooper an unamused glance " thank you monk I feel so much better now"

"Having seconds thoughts there Harvey, don't tell me the legendary Jedi General Harvey Dios, the man who brought slaving operations to their knees, the man who fought ventress and survived to tell the tale, the master of scrapping spades and Fives off the ceiling when their glitter bombs back fire, is afraid of getting his toes wet. Anakin mused.

"Oh laugh it up you glorified di'kuit" he snarled.

* Meanwhile on the other end of the ship.*

"You should totally do it" Fives grinned.

"Harvey and Anakin might kill me, not to mention Rex, Fang or Monk will have my head" Nara excailmed.

"I still say you should do it" Fives shrugged.

"Do what" Echo peered over his reg manual and gave the two a questioning look.


"Hmm and I guess I'm just suppose to believe that and turn a blind eye"

"Congratulations , you have just won the prize for giving us the most obvious answer" Nara remarked sassily.

"Ok you don't have to be sarcastic" Echo scoffed " but seriously what are you up to, and do I need to make sure I have a body bag with me at the end of this"

Nara rolled her eyes making fives laugh " I suggest we tell him" Nara sighed.

"But he might tell Rex"

"We'll just have to trust him"

"But angry mama Rex"

"I see your point" she frowned.

"Oh just tell me" Echo sighed getting slightly impenitent.

Nara look back at fives who gave her a shrug "it's your funeral"

Nara gave a deep sigh before whispering into Echos ear, the troopers eyes widened.

" Rex would have your head, not to mention Harvey would make you sleep on the floor"

"Why would Harvey make me sleep on the floor I have my own room"

"Oh maybe that was Kix and Presphone I saw the other night cuddling" Echo cringed.

"Anyway" Nara said slightly flustered " are you in or are you out"

Echo frowned "this is a terrible idea and it might get me killed. Ah what the heck I've been meaning to work up on my hacking skills"

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