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The low hum of a ship buzzed in her ear. From what she could tell about her situation was that the prince had smuggled her onto a ship and was heading to a secret location,And by the pressure in the air they hadn't left the planet , at least that's what's she hoped. She sat tied to a chair with her wrist and feet bounded to the bars, and she had been gaged and blindfolded. She flitted with the knots, almost getting them undone.

two hands grabbed the blindfold and began to forcefully remove it and the gag.

Almost got the knot, she thought if only I could...... got it. As soon as the blindfold was token off her head she tore the ropes the off her wrists and smacked her right fist into the middle of the princes forehead, And kicked his royal jewels if you know what I mean.

" bloody hell, is this anyway to treat your fiancé" he groaned kneeling on the floor.

"Fiancé "? Nara eyes widened. The princess never mentioned a finance once.

"Don't tell me you forgot about me my love" He sighed.

"Well I mean you did blindfolded me and gage me! How could I forget your lovely face" Nara said sarcastically.

The prince stared her down and squinted his eyes almost as if he was making a mental equation in his head.

"Who are you" valerian growled.

"What do you mean I'm princess oshoto, daughter of king Argus and queen Hana" she explained

"No your not ! Oshoto would have known who I was , I mean she came up with this plan" he shook his head. "So I ask again stranger ,who are you"?

"And what if I don't wanna give you my name" Nara grumbled.

"The we'll see what this blaster is capable of" he sighed patting his holster.

"Please I've lived with over a hundred plus brothers on a daily bases most of my

life and they taught me know when a blaster is loaded correctly"she huffed. "And I'm calling bluff" she pointed towards his pistol.

Valerian rolled his eyes "Well aren't you clever, ok then stranger at least tell me she's safe"

"She is" she said " and you will see her again as long as you tell me why you brought me here"

Valerian sighed.

"Fine but you might want to sit down"


"And that is how we planned to be together in secret" Valerian sighed.

Nara stood their and stared at the prince unamused and gave him a look you give a person who was saying something really stupid.

" well... say something" valerian said.

" you have got to be one of the worst plan makers ever and believe me I've met bad"she sighed.

"Oh thanks for the support, I thought you suppose to be on my side" he huffed.

"Well I'm not the one planing on fake killing my girlfriend so that she can become my wife" she perplexed.

"Touché" valerian shook his head.

"Ok so now that you've told me your plan, why don't you drop me off so my Jedi puppy dog doesn't have an anxiety attack" Nara said sarcastically.

"No not until Oshoto and I are together again" valerian pouted.

"Good grief" Nara rolled her eyes "well I'm leaving, either the peaceful way or the not so peaceful way"

"Not until you get Oshoto back" he pouted.

"Fine but you were warned" she grinned.


Nara finished putting the last piece of rope on the prince as she bounded him to the co-pilot seat.

"Hmmm something's missing" Nara's eyes darted over towards the gag and then back at the prince and smiled devilishly.

"Don't you dare" Valerian growled.

"Well all's far in love and war my dear prince" Nara sighed.

She carefully tied the gag around his mouth and then Examined her hand work.

"Perfect" she clasped her hands together.

Valerian rolled his eyes.

Nara then proceeded to enter on a secret Chanel and was able to get a hold of Rex.

"Captain Rex here"

"Rex Am I glad to hear your voice" she sighed.

"Like wise little' un, so uh I heard you got captured"( Rex calls her little' un from time to time as a nickname)

"Yes don't rub it in" she grumbled.

Rex laughed. " And let me guess you need a rescue"

"Rex, and here I thought you thought highly of me" she exclaimed.

Rex rolled his eyes. "And"?

"I need you to bring the princess back it's important please make sure that Harvey is briefed that it is apart of my plan" she explained.

"You sure this is a good idea" he sounded worried.

"Oh come on Rex when have I ever been wrong" she exclaimed.


" that was a rhetorical question"


Harvey paced around the platform in a worried frenzy, he knew that she would be fine. After all her training was impressive and would serve her well, he was still anxious. Rex had alerted him about their arrival and had told him to be ready for an unexpected surprise in store coming from Nara.

"It is going to be ok master Jedi, your friend is a powerful fighter" the king reassured.

Harvey nodded "thank you my king, but I still worry"

"For her or for you" The king questioned.

Harvey wasn't able to answer that question because a air craft landed in front of him with the princess, Anakin, Rex ,Fang, Fives,and spades.

" Harvey has Nara arrived yet" Anakin asked.

"No not yet, but I can feel she close" he sighed.

"Maybe a little too close, look" Fang yelled pointing towards the sky.

A ship came barring down on the plat form sending smoke from its engine.

Everyone had barley a minute to jump out of the way before the pile of metal came to a triumphant stop.

"Yep, Nara's home" Five groaned

Nara popped out of the hatch and began dragging the still tied up valerian across the platform much to the amusement of her brothers. She had a stern look to her face as she half marched half dragged herself and valerian towards the king,queen, and princess. And plopped valerian on the ground,

"We need to talk"


After four hours of debate valerian and Oshoto were allowed to be married and the kingdoms were joined in happy matrimony.

"I'm glad that over" Nara sighed.

"Oh come on don't you wanna be a princess and deal with deranged prince's from time to time" Harvey teased.

Nara shot him a Side glance.

"Sir, I'd rather clean the resolute with a tooth brush then be a princess ever again"

Harvey shook his head.

"Yah besides you'd make a terrible princess" Five boomed over the ships Engine.

"Oh shut up shoulder pads" Nara yelled back. 

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