Pt 3

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The masked figure charged directly towards Nara, coming at her with powerful swings. She jumped out of the way and rolled across the floor. Harvey jumped in and slashed at the assailant with his blades pinning him back for a minute while Nara got onto her feet. The Assailant let out a growl of frustration as he swung at Harvey and hit him straight into his abdomen sending him flying backwards and into a wall.


Nara panicked as the figure came closer to Harvey with their blade extended and ready for the kill. Without thinking she jumped in between the two and clumsily ignited the blade, creating a wall between the downed General and the bloodthirsty assailant. The hooded figure grinned in excitement as he brought his blade down only to be met with blue sparks and a very pissed off female, who didn't feel like playing nice.

"Leave him alone or so help me I will rip of your head and show it to your weeping mother" she growled.

The assailants eyes widened, which meant he was distracted .and in the brief moment she went for the final blow.


Harvey frowned as his eyes opened to the sight of the assailant on the floor, motionless. Nara stood beside them the blade loosely grasped in her hand.

"He not dead, I used the hilt of the blade to knock him out, if your wondering" she mumbled turning off the sabre .

Harvey stared at her in fascination, watching as she fumbled with the shaft of the sabre.

"Is the danger gone" the queens voice brought both of their attention up.

"Yes your majesty, we are safe now" Nara bowed, quickly wiping away the blood on her hands.

"I believe this belongs to you" Nara handed the blade back into the queens hands.

The queen only shook her head and pressed it into her hands.

"No the sword is yours" she sighed "think of it as a way to repay you for all that you have done"

Nara nodded "thank you Hana"


Five days later

Nara fiddled with the hilt of the sabre in her hands as she rubbed her thumb across the old leather wrap. It brought comfort to her in some way, almost as if this sword brought out a part of her she couldn't bring out on her own. And she would need comfort tonight. Their was to be a celebration because a treaty had been singed between the people of yabos and Mirian. And the royal family form yabos was to visit. A strong feeling of something was going to go wrong tickled at the back of her mind.

"Your royal pain in ass" Harvey whispered " I'm here to escort you, are you ready to join the honoured guest"? He asked as he knocked on the door.

Nara snickered and quickly dusted off her wrapped purple dress and opened the door.

"Yes master Jedi I am"


The night had gone well so far as the two family's were introduced. And Nara had been sent to dance with the royal family's eldest son , crowned prince Eden. He seemed like a decent fellow but he seemed to only want to take about politics which meant Nara would die of boredom sooner or later. She did her best to answer the questions but on the inside she was imagining Herself taking him to the pond out side and throwing him into the water.

"Excuse your highness may I have this dance"

Nara turned to find the second eldest child holding out a hand for her to accept. She took it and (faked) smiled cheerfully. She noticed out of the Conner of her eye Harvey seemed to be amused by her fake cheerful demeanour and side glances of regret. She never wanted to punch someone so badly. The second oldest prince Valerian lead her through a dance, as the spun together.

"How wonderful it is that are two home world have joined at last isn't it" Valerian asked.

"Yes quite wonderful" Nara agreed.

"Would care to join me outside your highness" he asked giving a cock of the eyebrow.

"Sure, I'd be honoured" she smiled.

Taking his lead outside into the cold crisp air. She shivered slightly at the drop of the temperature.

"You know you dance quite well" Nara began.

No one answered.

"Valerian"? She questioned.

The only response that meet her was a rope and a bag thrown over her head. She fought with such force managing to land a blow on her captor.

"What are you doing" she growled.

She was fighting against a rope that bounded her wrist together.

"Don't worry princess it will be all over soon"

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