Please don't wake the sleeping Jedi

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Author note: this was request by @Ahsoka1708 sorry I didn't get to it sooner but now that it's out I hope you enjoy it.

Fives paced nervously outside the commanders door unsure what to do next. Anakin had asked him if he would wake Ashoka up so that they could proceed with the new strategy for teth. He couldn't decided where to start should he knock or just bandage in. What if he set off a glitter bomb, no that would be foolish. Come on Fives think how hard can this be. Apparently hard for him. He decided to consult Nara considering Ashoka and her were bunk mates.

"Nara come in Nara we have a crisis here" his voice was sounding panic.

"What did you do now" her tone was unamused.

"I need your help how do you wake Ashoka, do I just knock on the door sending in drone with an alarm clock on the top!"

There was a long pause of silence on the other end of the com.

"Nara now is not the time to be silent I'm having a crisis here"!

"Ba ha ha ha omg omg ok I'm good now, nope ha ha ha"

He stood in the hallway with the most unamused expression across his face it would have made anyone belly laugh.

"This is not funny, how do walk up a sleeping Jedi"

"Um use the force"

"That's not uggh can you be serious for one second"

"Yah ok I'll try let me see nope sorry I can't be serious my schedules already full with other important emotions"


"Ok ok just knock on the door and if it opens go inside and walk her up nicely"

"You sure"

"I'm about 10% sure, but you'll be fine. I gotta go kyber and I are going sparing talk to you later" she cut the transmission off leaving a very panic stricken fives in the hallway.

"Wait Nara no uggh, sisters" he groaned.

He eyed the door nervously and took a shaky step forward

"Ok I can do this".

His gloved hand knocked on the door.

"Commander may I come in"

No answer.


He was going to knock again when the doors open scaring the living force out of him as he fell to the floor. A little scream unwilling left his lips, he prayed no one saw it.

Praying himself off the floor he looked around the Conner seeing the sleeping Jedi in a tangle of blankets and pillows sound asleep. He smiled to himself seeing the pillows and blankets around the end of her bed as she sprawled out onto of the covers.

"I see you follow after Nara" he chuckled to himself.

Slowly he crept into the room with the doors closing behind him, again he jump at the sound.

"Stop doing that"! He hissed.

Ashoka began stirring in her sleep as she began mumbling words that he couldn't quite make out.

"Commander Skywalker asks for your presence on the deck"

He awkward rocked on the balls of his feet as he waited for a response. Ashoka let out a ripping snore in response surprising the arc trooper, his eyes widened.


"Umm we crash the ship your way bad sky guy, you always crash the ship" she mumbled.

Fives bit the inside of his cheek trying not to crack with laughter.

"Commander" he wheezed "I need you to wake up sir"

Ashoka rolled over onto her side without so much as an acknowledgement to the trooper who stood in her room. Fives let out a defeated sigh.

"Oh come on commander rise and shine, wake up, cock a doodle doo the suns up" he groaned.

Still no response and she was still passed out cold on the cot. Slowly he made his way towards her bed. He needed to come up with a plan and fast. Come on Fives think you can't be this stupid, can you. He puttered with the different options finally deciding to see if he could shake her awake. He crept his way to the edge of the bed like a toddler trying to wake his mom up. As he got to the edge of the bed he kneeled on his knees and peered over the edge of the cot.

"Commander you awake"

Ashoka turned over flinging hand across and slapped him in the face.

"I know you like to sleep but that no way to treat someone" he huffed rubbing his redden cheek.

Ashoka snored in response.

"Alright you've tied my hands, I'm sorry it had to come to this"

He grabbed her by the shoulders and began to shake her.

"Wake up! Wake up! Commander wake up!"

Ashoka bolted out of bed completely startled. Without thinking she force pushed whoever was on top of her with all her might. She heard a scream than the loudest bang as the figure collided with the wall, then nothing. Quickly she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked across to the mound on the floor. She slowly slithered out of bed and cautiously crept over to it. Once she was in a few meters of the figure she stuck her foot out and gave it a nudge.

It let out a groan of pain.

"Omg Fives"!

"Morning commander" he groaned before passing out.


Fives eyes slowly opened seeing a bright glowing light. Fear struck his body, no no this can't be it. Slowly a darker shadow of a person came into view an amused expression covered their face.

"Good morning Fives"


"I see you woke the commander I'm so proud of you" she smiled pinching his cheek.

He winced pushing her off of him, hearing a thunk as she slid onto the floor with a thud.

"There was a muffled laughter at the door that caught the attention of both troopers. In the door way stood Anakin, Rex, and a very guilty looking Ashoka.

"Yah but be careful sir, he grumpy"

Fives shot her a glare as she made her way to the group.

"Anyone mind telling me why I'm in the med bay" he asked completely dumbfounded about the situation. Anakin's lips twisted in an amused grin as he turned his attention to Ashoka.

"Certainly, Ashoka I think you should take this one"

The young padwans eyes widened as she shot her master a clear look of embarrassment. Five head tilted with his brows raised in confusion. Why would commander tano be apart.

Rex was so glad he had his helmet on in that very moment because he was howling inside of his helmet. He remembered a very panicked Ashoka calling him over the com. He had raced over to her corridors fearing the worst only to find her shaking Fives by his shoulders. What shocked him even more was seeing the clear indent of a clone trooper in the metal workings of the ship.


"You see I kinda sorta force threw you into the wall, and you kinda of passed out and it's been three days since that happened so, sorry" she spat out.


"Ok in my defence I didn't know it was you who shook me like a piñata"

"Oh I'm sorry sir I didn't know yelling commander seventeen times in a row gets you thrown into a wall" he sassed.

Anakin, Rex, Nara were all howling at the far end of the room.

Fives looked over towards Anakin with all the seriousness he could muster and looked the Jedi Genral in the eyes.

"Next time sir, I'm gonna refuse your offer to wake commander tano"

Rex just collapse in a fit of laughter on the floor

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