Prisoner CT-25-5566

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Author note:  hey guys thought I would give y'all a couple of random one shots as I haven't written in a long time. Anyways I hope you enjoy and I hope you have a good day ☺️

Fox stared down at the data pad in his hands, a slight smirk on his face.

" State your name for the record"

"Obi-wan Kenobi" the voice mused.

Fox raised his brow giving her a stern look from behind his datapad.

Nara gave a sly grin " hello there" she slurred waving her hand before erupting in a fit of drunken laughter as she slumped in the guard's arms.

Fox sighed in frustration.

" try again"

" I'd rather not foxy" she mused.

The two guards holding her up failed to hide their amusement. She grinned as her head lolled to the side as the alcohol took effect.

" You know you should put fox ears on your helmet, it would make you look really tough" she hiccuped, giving a bubbly laugh.

" How much have you had to drink, commander?" Fox asked, taking in her state.

" We'll certainly more than you could have handled," she laughed." Tell me can you only have one shot of whiskey"

Thorn laughed beside her, earning a glare from his older brother.

" put her in confinement 14, the generals should be here soon"

"Yes! sleepover" she cheered. "I'll bring the drinks," she laughed.

Thorn laughed.


" I swear this isn't my fault" Five smiled looking up at The two generals and his COs.

Rex raised his brow" Go on".

" ok, so it might have been 16% of my fault" fives cringed.

" So you're telling me that hard case and Jex passed out drunk on top of my starfighter had nothing to do with you going out with the boys tonight". Harvey asked.

Fives shrank in his seat " how mad was Kix?" he asked sheepishly.

" Mad enough that he's dealing with three hangovers and currently putting stitches into Echos' arm," Harvey said. " he ready to put a dent into something at this point"

Fives gulped " then it wasn't my fault".

" oh, and to top it off I get a call saying that you and Nara have been detained by the coruscant guard"! He yelled.

Fives looked at Rex with a small smile. " You're both grounded," Rex said to answer the unspoken question.

" ok so we might have gone for a joy ride on commander fox's speeder bike and wreaked havoc in the downtown area but no harm was done" Fives shrugged.

" you crashed into three signs, broke five side wakes, and ran from the police," Fang sighed.

" So nobody's perfect" fives shrugged.

There was a knock on the door as one of the guards handed Harvey a data pad with details of the damage. Harvey quickly skimmed through the words before his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

" you got Nara into a bar fight with the wolf pack"! Harvey yelled, Anakin almost looked proud.

Fives shrugged " we did that before the bike incident".

Rex shook his head in disappointment " Fives"!

" they challenge us to a drink off, rex, the 501st honor was on the line"! Fives argued.

" So you started a riot at 79's" Rex sighed.

" well," fives put it plainly " they weren't happy we won".

Rex shook his head like a tired dad.

" well your lucky no charges were pressed otherwise you'd be in a lot more trouble," Anakin said " however you will have to face some consequences"

Five hung his head " yes sir".

Anakin sighed " now let's go find Nara".



The guards outside her cell were dying in amusement as she continued to heckle their revered commander for half an hour.


The two troopers were wheezing at this point.



Nara's eyes widened as she took in the full sight of her captain surrounded by familiar faces, including a very angry Fox.

" oh o moms mad" she gulped running to hide behind the bed but shamelessly slipped and fell on her face. " gravity's working" she groaned.

She felt herself be turned around, as her eyes locked onto the grinning Jedi knight above her.

" Hello, Tasmanian" Harvey smirked.

Nara's nose scrunched as she slapped his hands away " Hey mister no touching I already have a significant other" she growled.

" But Nara, I am your significant other," Harvey smiled.

Nara's cheeks lit up in embarrassment " How? your way too hot! " she blurted out.

Harvey's eyes widened as Fang,Anakin, and Fives could be heard dying in the background. Though Rex only smirked at his sister's drunken antics.

" Alright let's get you home" Harvey sighed moving to grab her hand.

Nara nodded and proceed to move her arms to be carried. Harvey was dying as the commander sat on the floor giving him pick-me-up hands. To say the rest of the men were amused as he carried her out bridal style would have been an understatement.

" Hey Harvey" she whispered.

" yes, Luv," he said, careful that mama rex couldn't hear.

"Can you tell fox that his sleepovers suck" she said sleepily rest her head on his chest.

Harvey chuckled as he made his way towards the exit.

"I"ll make sure to add it to my list"


When Nara woke up the next morning she was greeted by the worst hangover of her life and a very pissed off kix who was holding an aspirin and water. Like Anakin had said, her and the boys had to face the consequences and ended up repairing all the damages they had done. When the group finally finished their punishment they made their way to the mez for a much needed coffee.

" Fives, remind me never to drink with you again" Nara grumbled as her head hit the table, the others nodding in agreement.

"Oh come on this was'nt entirely my fault you guys" he perplexed.

" tell that to kix" Echo huffed sipping his caf.

" hey well at least i didn't call the general Dios hot to his face " Fives mused eying Nara.

Nara spit out her caf " I DID WHAT"!

The end.

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