Drunken party pt.1

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"You have got to be kidding me" ! Nara's eyebrows scrunched at the very idea. "There is no way I'm doing this"

"Oh come on sis, just come to 79's" Fives whined.

The rest of her brothers gave her puppy dog eyes, as they all begged her to come. The worst one was hardcase as he was attached to her leg like a three year old kid .

"Oh for the love of force, FINE"!! She groaned.

"YAH"! they all yelled, jumping up.

"On one condition"

"Booooo" they hissed.

"I don't have to sing karaoke" she firmly said.

"DEAL!" hardcase chirped grabbing her hand before she had a chance to escape.


Hardcase particle dragged her down the hallway, making the rest of her brother laugh at how excited he had become.

"Easy hardcase, you don't want to rip my arm off now do you?!" she exclaimed.

However he didn't hear her and keep dragging her through the halls. She was basically running trying to keep up. which didn't help much especially when he suddenly stoped.

With out noticing Nara face planted into someone's chest.

"Oof "

The person she had stumbled into had a chest plate on, and it hurt when her forehead made contact. The figure quickly grabbed her shoulders, steadying her balance.

"Are you ok?" a concerned voice stuttered.

To embarrassed to look up Nara nodded.

"Yah I'm am, sorry my brother was pulling me down the halls, I wasn't paying attention as to where we were going" She mumbled.

The person laughed. "Yah, Hardcase seems to that quite often"

Recognizing the voice she looked up.

"Genral Dios" she practically yelped. Her face quickly burning red.

"You sure your ok Nara, you look awfully flushed. Do you need me to get dock" he frowned.

"No, sir , I'm fine sir, sorry about bumping into you sir" she mumbled with embarrassment.

Rubbing the back of his neck he smirked, "it's no problem,Nara I'm ok"


Jesse , Fives, Spade practically were holding onto each other laughing their guts out. Rex's big brother instincts had kicked in as he raised a brow, Kix was trying to hide a grin , Jex was fan Girling , dock was pinching his nose frowning. Recr was holding back Jex, coil was telling Jex to calm down. And fang was watching intently from afar.

Hu had a smug look on his face as Gus blushed at his dirty comments.

Poor hardcase was in the middle of it all as he sent Nara dirty faces.

" hey Nara we gonna go to the bar or not" Fives snickered.

" uh yah" she stuttered.

"Care to join us Genral" Jex grinned. Rex gave him a look.


"Please, sir"!

Harvey looked at the pleading troopers then at Nara. She didn't look him in the eye, her cheeks lightly dusted crimson. He sighed.

"Fine I'm in".

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