Pirates of the republic pt2 : the missing key

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Author note: hope you enjoy this its a long one :) I will try to get some of yours guys requests in soon.

" You must be truly desperate to see this guy" Anakin mused, pushing his way past vendors lined with stolen goods from various cities.

"Well he does control the southern sea borders ,there's no way she could have passed them without him knowing about it." Harvey stated "besides you have any better ideas"

"I have several that would be better than this, and one of them involves setting myself on fire" Anakin mused.

"Well, we can always use that as a backup plan if all else fails, at least it will be entertaining for me to watch" Harvey shrugged .

Anakin rolled his eyes and playfully shoved Harvey in the shoulder making the smaller man wince.

"he does have a point Harvey" obi wan interjected. He looked beyond irritated as if he wanted to curse Harvey out for dragging him to the godforsaken thief haven.

"Where's your sense of adventure kenobi" Harvey perplexed.

"I'm afraid I left it back on the ship, would you mind if I run back and get it?" Obi wan replied sarcastically.

Harvey shook his head and turned the corner to find himself in front of the cantina he was looking for.

Two guards men stood outside the entrance where a curtain of strung together beads and droid parts that acted as a barrier between the outside world and the smell of the bar.

Harvey took a deep breath and made his way over to the two men, the envelope he had received clutched in his sweaty palms.

The guards on either side of the door eyed him wearily.

"What do you want, Jedi?" one of them hissed.

" I have business with you boss" Harvey showed them the letter " he should be expecting me"

The guard stared intensely at the scribbles of writing on the torn piece of parchment sealed by the crumpled yellow envelope with the broken wax seal that he watched his boss use countless times, the letter was good.

"You may pass"

"Thank you" Harvey said curtly dragging Obi wan and Anakin behind him.

The stench of sea water and booze filled the cantina in an intoxicating odour, Harvey couldn't understand why anyone would want to get drunk in a place like that, let alone be in there for five seconds.

"Ah Jedi so glad you could join us in our wonderful establishment"

Harvey could feel the two Jedi behind him tense.



Nara looked over the edge of the ship seeing the outlines of the island ahead of her. It was merely a pit stop to refuel and gather supplies, but she never did like staying in one place at a time. She was always expected to act like a lady on shore especially when it came to landing on islands like this,where ladies wore the highest of fashions and paraded around like peacocks over every man that caught their eye. She wanted to hurl just thinking about it. However out on the sea she could lounge around all day in a sensible pair of trousers and loose fitting shirts that didn't push up her bosom up to her ears. Out here she could be whatever she wanted but out there she had to be something else. She felt herself nervously fiddling with the necklace Harvey had "given" her in her pocket as she counted down the dreaded minutes till they docked.

"What's got you in a tizzy"

Nara jumped slightly hearing her twin sister's voice behind her.

"Kyber, how good to see you," Nara said sarcastically.

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