The cake wars

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"Alright men this is probably the hardest task we have yet to face"

Nara towered over her bothers as she stood on a table marching back and forth. Their gazes stared at her in a confused manner as she paced back and forth swinging a wooden spoon in her hand like a baton.

Fives frowned.

"And What are we doing exactly"? His eyes widened as she pointed the wooden spoon dangerously close to his face.

"Silence solider we're entering dangerous territory, who knows what's lays on the other side"

Fives raised his brows in an unamused expression as he looked to where she was pointing.

"You mean the kitchen"

Her eyes narrowed.


Fives face palmed himself.

"So what's our mission sir" spades grinned.

"Well thank you for being the only one who actually seems to care" her eyes narrowed at fives who only scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Our dangerous mission if you choose to expect is....Bake a cake"

Spades face contorted in confusion.

"Your actually kidding me right"

"No I'm afraid not" she sighed hopping of the table.

The group all watched as their sister crept to the kitchen door with her wooden spoon carefully tucked in her arm pit.

"She can't be serious" Hu frowned.

The group sighed making their way into the kitchen to find Nara once again standing on a table.

"What are you doing" jesse asked.

"I'm doing surveillance" she said looking around the room. She had a blue apron wrapped around her body with a little bow in the back and her long brown hair was neatly tucked into a Dutch braid at the back of her head. All around her laid aprons and cooking equipment.

Each trooper grabbed an apron and helped each other tie the back.

"Alright Fives and Echo I need you to find the eggs and milk, Jesse your on the oven, Hu I need you to find the anything to cook the cake in preferably a pan, spades I need you to find the flour and baking soda, oh and Jex you get to be on guard duty make sure The general doesn't come in here got it"

Jex stood at attention "yes sir"

"Good now lets win this battle for the republic"!

"Is she serious I can't tell if she serious" Hu asked getting nudged by Fives across the room.

The group came to together caring the supplies in the air and setting it down at the table.

"Alright the recipe says to mix the dry ingredients into one blow Fives, Echo can I count on you two carry out the task"

"We're on it boss" echo smiled grabbing Fives and the flour.

"Hu, spades can I get you two to work on the wet ingredients"

"Yes sir"

"What are those again" Hu smiled sheepishly.

She sighed deeply "eggs, milk, etc"

"Oh ok got it" he nodded.

While Fives and Echo got to work on the flour and spades and Hu worked on the eggs and milk. Nara grabbed Jesse and the two began working on the icing for the cake.

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