Echo x reader "the music enemy"

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Echo x reader.

"General (l/n) a deep voice called behind you. Turning You faced the trooper who seemed to be buzzing with excitement. "The mission was a complete success sir, Skywalkers troops are finishing up the last of the droids as we speak , we won sir!"

It didn't take a Jedi to know he was ecstatic.

You allowed a small smile to form upon your lips as You felt the stress lift off of you. "Thank you Bones, now tell commander Diggs to get any remaining troops back to base for a much deserved rest".

Bones nodded in response as he raced down the dirt ground at full speed. You shook your head thinking that he was like a little toddler pipped up on sugar. You couldn't blame him though it had been a hell of a battle and the fact they had survived against all odds was enough to boost your spirits as well. Looking through your scopes You could see Skywalker's men blasting through the remaining droids. You could have swore it looked as if they were playing a game. They're probably keeping score again you thought, knowing Anakin if he could make a game out of anything he would ,even his troopers would too.


You walked through the base feeling crummy as clumps of dirt and dust clung to your body like skin. You wanted nothing more than to jump in the shower and spend hours in the warm steam, ridding yourself of the aftermath of battle. You quickly slipped into your corridors and stripped out of your crusted armour. You smiled upon hearing the water pour down in the refresher as you quickly set up your music and put on (music above). The warm water greeted you in a warm embrace. A light moan of appreciation let your lips as you let the water wrap around you taking the dirt away and into the drain. You swayed slightly enjoy the loud beat of music. Maybe too loud ,the music was pounding so loud that it could be heard in the particular trooper heard this music and mistook it as you being in Trouble. He quickly ran into your corridors without thinking raised his gun. He charged into the bathroom the steam was hard to see through.

"General (y/n) are you all right sir I thought I heard fighting" he called out.

All that he heard was the sound of someone squeaking as the water was quickly turned off. It then donned on him that he had rushed into the generals personal washing corridors.

The steam quickly cleared to reveal the very shocked and nude general who was trying to grab a towel.

Echo blushed realizing her current position. Trying to be the gentleman that he was reached for a towel and handed it to the Genral.

You quickly went out to reach it but managed to slip on the watery floor and fell on top of the arc trooper. His helmet had been knocked off and he groaned out in pain.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm so sorry" you squeaked trying to pull yourself off of

"It's ok sir" Echo flushed seeing the current position the two of you were in. He froze before quickly helping you up and wrapping the towel around you.

"So what seems to be the problem trooper" you said not being able to look him in the eyes.

"I heard a loud disturbance from your corridors, I thought you were in danger" he stated.

"Loud disturbance" you frowned "what do you mean my music playing".

Echo flushed "that loud noise was music".

"I'm afraid so" you tried hiding a creeping smile.

Echo stayed there in awarded silence for a while before he answered.

"I see well, General" he saluted before rushing out of the room, completely flustered.

You stood there in shock before you started to laugh out loud.

He was cute you thought to yourself before putting on clean armour.


Echo was internally screaming as he banned his head on the table, refusing to take off his helmet. He couldn't believe he had done that. He had ran into your personal corridors wanting nothing more than to protect you only to end up seeing you in the shower. He was glad Fives hadn't been with him for he wouldn't let Echo live it down. To make matters worse Echo had been developing strong feelings towards you, and seeing you in that shower had almost sent his heart into overdrive. Fives looked over at his brother and raised a brow.

"What did you do" he smirked, knowing Echo only acted this way when he'd done something really embarrassing.

"Nothing" Echo squeaked.

"Uh hu yah right spill" Fives grinned mischievously.

The men at the table had now grown interested in the conversation.

"I can't" Echo sighed "you'd never let me live it down"

"Why did you see someone naked or something " Fives laughed.

The men around them laughed as well. Poor Echo tensed at lighting speed.

Seeing this action Fives eyes widened.

"No kriffin way, who"

"General (y/n)" Echo gulped.

Kix had spat out his coffee across the table and was now choking, Jesse was trying to pat the medics back, Hardcase and Rexs jaws were practically on the floor, Tup was blushing deeply, and Fives was practically howling.

"Omg I can't believe it, how" Fives was practically yelling.

Echo sighed in defeat as he took of his helmet. "I heard a loud noise coming from the general's corridors. I thought she was in trouble" he sighed turning red "instead it was just loud music and before I realized it I had barged in to see the General in the shower".

Fives was choking on his tongue laughing so hard.

"See never live it down" Echo groaned.

"Oh your never going to" Fives chortled.

"Live down what" a feminine voice asked.

Echo nearly fell off the table in embarrassment as he recognized the voice, it was yours.

Rex quickly grabbed him before her fell off.

"General" he practically squeaked.

You bit your lip trying not to laugh.

"I wanted to come by to say I appreciated that you were concerned about me earlier" you smiled sheepishly.

"I was doing my duty sir" he responded rubbing the back of his neck.

You frowned hoping he had a different response.

"Oh I see well thank you" you began to turn towards the exit.

Rex elbowed Echo in the ribs and gave him a look. Echo sighed before running after you.

"General wait! It wasn't just my duty I wanted to make sure you were ok because if you were hurt I don't know what I would do" he sighed grabbing your hand.

Smiling you turned planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.

You could hear his brother chuckling behind him as his ears turned cherry tomato.

Giggling you responded " you know your cute when you blush"

Echo gulped "thank you sir".

Author note: hope you Guys enjoyed this, if you guys have requested for anymore let me know

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