Three drunk troopers and mama cody

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It was a late and stressful evening and Rex was on the brink of exhaustion. He had spent the last five weeks dealing with separatist forces on sulcamine, and after a costly win, he wanted nothing more than to grab a beer with Cody. He paced around the command centre going over his data pad and loads of reports,When a half sober fives and Jesse stumbled into the command centre.

"Hey captain" Jesse slurred

"Hey cat ears how you doing" five flirted with a giggle .

"Are you sober or drunk"? Rex asked slightly amused.

"I'm moderately functional" Fives burped.

"So I take that as a no" Rex sighed rubbing his brows."

"Oh come on Rex lighten up, have a drink with us" Jesse groaned.

If Rex hadn't been so tried and completely done with his work he would have said no. But in that moment he wanted nothing more than to escape the republic and the war.

The first sip burned like strong gasoline going down his throat. However by the twentieth sip the burning sensation turned into a pleasurable buzz.


*Three hours later*

Rex had drank more than his limit of ten and was roaring drunk.Five and Jesse were on the same boat. the three trooper were dancing around like a bunch of mad men, as they bumped and staggered into things. It was then the real trouble began. fives slipped on a puddle of liquor and broke a fresh bottle of whiskey on the holo map in the control centre. The alcohol and circuit board did not mix causing it to spark and cause a small fire. The three drunken troopers were to drunk to even notice the growing flames in the the centre of the room as they continued to laugh and giggle over the most random of things. Like Rex impersonating General Skywalker.


Cody was making his way to the command centre when he bumped into commander Tano and Nara. The two had been chatting about past experiences and funny stories of their comrades.

"Commander Tano, Nara" Cody nodded.

"Aw Cody we were just on our way to the command centre to get the reports from Rex care to join us, you company might bring a smile to his face" Ashoka grinned.

"Yah besides he's been moping around like a zombie for weeks" Nara added.

"Yes, sir I wouldn't mind see how the old man is doing" Cody grinned.

The group laughed and made their way to the command centre having no idea what was in store.

The three of them had barley made it to the door of the command centre when they saw the black smoke and smelt the scent of burning alcohol. The three sprang into action sounding the alarm and grabbing a fire extinguisher. Cody barged into the command centre spraying left and right. it was then his foot collided with something. The commander looked down only to feel a sickness wash over him. His foot had collided into a hand plated in blue armour, a hand that belonged non other than to his comrade and life long friend captain Rex. Cody made his way up to Rex's face and angrily slapped him in the face.

"Rex wake up you di'kuit" Cody yelled shaking him "REX WAKE UP BROTHER"

"Cody" Rex whispered.

"I'm here, but we need to leave" Cody yelled over the sound of flames.

"Fives, Jesse we need to" Rex croaked.

"Well get them" Cody said calling Ashoka and Nara over his com for back up.

"Cody I need to tell you something"

"Can it wait" Cody said impatiently.

"No I can't it's important" Rex urged

"Fine, what is it" Cody asked.

"Fives is getting married to a broom he just proposed twenty minutes ago, and now because of us he won't get married cause we burned down the command centre" Rex exclaimed.

It was then everything added up in Cody's mind.

"Are you drunk" Cody asked straight faced.

"Cody are little Fives is growing up" Rex cried.

Cody rolled his eyes seeing how both the smoke and brandy in Rex was making him loopy he grabbed the fully grown man by his ear and marched captain Rex out the door.

"FIVES, JESSE GET YOUR SORRY BUTTS OVER HERE NOW OR SO HELP ME" Cody growled dragging Rex who wriggled at the pressure on his ear.

Nara and Ashoka watched as Cody also grabbed a frightened Jesse and Five by their ear lobes , and marched their deep in trouble butts down to the medical bay.

Nara shivered at the sight.

"Nara what's wrong is everything ok" Ashoka raise a brow.

"Honestly commander I'm fine it just, when Cody marches down the halls with a fully grown Rex by the lobe of his ear like a peed off mama bear. You know nothing good is gonna come from that."

"Do you think he'll stand a chance"? Ashoka cringed.

"Honestly we may be holding a funeral tomorrow for all three of them tomorrow " Nara sighed rubbing her brows.

Sorry this was short  I'm gonna try and bring out another story soon anyways hope you enjoyed. Side note if anyone wants a story written just let me know in the comments 😊

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