Commander Nix

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Author note: this was requested by @ThetdmZack. Hope you enjoy this story I will probably added Nix into more of my stories down the road. Anyways with out further ado enjoy the story😁

"Alright men you need to be specially careful around theses towers" Nara pointed to the flickering holo map in front of her "they have guns posted on every level and are heavily fortified. We need to take out the towers if we have any chance at cutting off fuel reserves for the separatists, otherwise the mission will be all for nothing "

The men nodded in sync as a few of the trooper eagerly whispered to their comrades. Making her smirk to herself at their innocent excitement.

"So how do we do that commander, I mean I hope you have a plan" Clancey grinned.

"I do thank you for your concern corporal" she scoffed "now you are aware that-"


A powerful force of wind ripped through the the hangar taking her and the men off balance as the sound of cartoons crashed throughout the room. There were sounds of shouting as the group was thrown across the hangar as booth trooper and helmets scattered the ground. Nara felt her back collided with a crate as she let out groan of pain.

"So that's not how I thought the briefing would go" Clancey mused wiping the dust off his chest plate.

Nara shot him an unamused glance as she carefully pried her self up off the floor and took his hand.


The sound of an angry female voice echoed through the hangar, whoever staked those crates should be running for their lives. Nara and Clancey made their way across the hangar past running troopers who were trying to remove the crates. In the distance Nara could make out a figure of a Pilot giving A poor trooper a lecture about the whole incident, while He looked frightened for his life. From what she could see was that the Pilot had crashed into a pile of crates which should have been on the other side of the hangar. She could have sworn she told Gus and Hu to move them before the Commander from kamino was suppose to arrive.... oh Force!

"Oh their so dead" Nara mumbled before pushing Clancey off her and running across the hangar leaving him confused before he decided to running after her.

"Commander I'm sorry I ordered the men to move these crates before your arrival, I see now that didn't happen, my apologies sir"

Nara was meet with glaring blue eyes that bore down on her.

"Well I hope your sorry look at my ship I'm gonna have to fix the haul and- Nara"?

Nara now was looking into the face of someone she knew from her past life. She now took a closer look at the face of the twi'lek who stood in front of her. Her lilac skin looked tanned compared to her normally softer purple hue and the scar on her left cheek had healed nicely since the last time she saw it as a cadet.

"Commander nix"?

The commander smiled back at her well as much as she was willing to show anyways, nix had always had a bit of a chip on her shoulder.

"Well I'll be never thought I'd see you here, tell me how is havoc doing. Last time I saw him he was training a young cadet who always had a knack for finding loop holes in his plans" she mused.

Nara bit her inner cheek remembering her days as a cadet, she was a different person back then.

"I'm afraid commander havoc was killed by asaji ventress on a mission back on separatist moon called Naomi." She could the guilt rising in her core, those memories were never please t.

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