Heart attack

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Author note :     if you are not ok with a story involving any medical problems I warn you now, I don't want to upset anyone 😊

"I never liked doing night patrol" spades frowned.

"Yah me neither" Fives grunted.

. He and spades were patrolling around the south end of the base to make sure no surprise attacks were happening . He was feeling very sluggish and extremely out of breath, night patrol was the last thing he wanted to be doing.

"So any pranks you wanna fill me in on" spades said.

"Nah haven't had the time, although I really wanna prank Nara and General Dios" Fives snickered .

Spades grinned eagerly, "Yah and what did you have in mind"?

"Maybe some super glue,or glitter, maybe even slow music" Fives explained.

He was beginning to feel light head as he walked up the hill towards the base, his heart was pounding and he felt as if he had a fever. Yet he continued to walk as he and Spades talked.

"Well you can count me .... Fives are you alright" spades frowned.

Fives was stumbling over his feet. "Yah I'm fine" he slurred.

Suddenly Fives dropped to his knees and fell to the ground unconscious. Spades shook him harshly trying to get him to come to, which didn't work.

"Fives! Can you hear me "? Spades shook again "brother please wake up"!

Fives didn't move, however he was taking in sharp breaths and he shivered slightly. "Fives! come on brother, walk up" spades was beginning to panic.

He pressed the comn button on his wrist.

"This is Spades anyone come in" he yelled

"This Is Rex, Spades is everything alright"? Rex asked concerned.

From what he knew of spades from Fang, was that he was usually calm during mission so when he called in a panicked tone Rex was worried.

"No sir, we need a medic down here now" spades said alarmed

"What's wrong what happened" Rex asked.

"Fives is down, we need help! I think he having a heart attack sir"! Spades frantically yelled over the comn.

Rex's blood dropped. "we're on our way"

"What wrong Rex " Anakin frowned.

"Fives is down, sir" Rex mumbled.


" little solider boy all dressed in white, fight for your honour and fight as you might. Live with honour fight for valour little solider boy in white"

Fives stirred from his unconscious state of mind by the sound of a female voice. It was familiar and almost motherly in a sense, he wanted to hear more. His eyelids fluttered open slowly, burning a little at the brightness.

"Oh brother may we see the day we win our battles show our might! oh little solider boy in white. Come bring the storm we've been through hell and we won't stop till the last droid fell. Oh brother we will fight alright."

Fives looked up to see Nara smoothing down his hair as she sung a lullaby,that she used to sing Echo and him if they had a horrible dreams when they were younger. He hadn't heard that lullaby for years and the sound of it soothed him.

Hearing her brother stir Nara stopped her signing.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, hows your chest feeling" she smiled.

"My chest" Fives frowned.

"Yes dumbass don't you remember the fact you literary had a heart attack" she exclaimed.

"Honestly I don't remember a thing" he frowned feeling rather sore.

"Unbelievable, you could have died " she sighed throwing her hands up in the air.

Kix walked into the room

"It's Fives you honestly can't expect his brain to work all the time" he sighed.

"Hey I'd like to see you have a heart attack and have your memory 100% working " Fives grumbled.

Kixs only shook his head

"I'm glad your alright"

"So what wrong with me kix" Fives said.

"You were being put through a tremendous amount of stress, which you should have been able to handle" he paused "however you cracked under that heavy amount"

Fives frowned.

"What dose that mean for me than? Will I be allowed back into attractive duty"

"Yes but you are under bed arrest for a week" kix smirked.

"Aww come on" fives whined he hated sitting around for more than five minutes.

"No butts, we all want you to get better" kix sighed.

"Fine, mom"! Fives huffed.

Nara let out a chuckle as kix and Fives argued about his health. She was great full he was alright. She wasn't ready to lose another brother,just yet. 

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