A winters ball

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Nara watched the snow falling outside the window of the barracks as she listened to her brothers talking about the party later that night. Jesse and Fives seemed to be excited about the pranks they could do. Kix and Echo were excited about letting loose for the night. And Jex and Hardcase were just bouncing off the walls from anticipation. Listening about the party made her gut turn with anxiety, she had never gone to the annual soldiers party due to her intensive training and basically being Super glued to kamino.

Her attention was soon drawn to the end of the room as the doors opened to reveal her close friend Ashoka tano. Over the years the commander and her had grown really close and had gained a strong friendship.

Spotting the trooper in the corner Ashoka called to her,

"Nara, there you are I've been looking all over for you" she sighed placing her hands on her hips.

"Well I'm right here commander" Nara stood up "what can I do for you Ashoka"?

"It's about the party tonight, you see padmae is making me get all dressed up and I was hoping you would come with me"?

Nara frowned "you want me to get all dressed up with you and padmae? I don't know Ashoka"

"Oh come on please, this is one battle I need your help with" she chuckled "padmae can be pretty scary when it come to outfits".

"She'll do it" Fives and jesse budded in giving a wink to Ashoka .

"I will"! Nara's eyes widened.

"Yes you will, it's your first time to the party and you need to look your best, and knowing you, you'd show up in your workout clothes" They exclaimed .

"Besides their might be a certain General there worth impressing" fives wiggled his brows.

Ashoka chuckled seeing Nara's expression.

"Shut up shoulder pads" Nara squeaked.

The group chuckled, including kix and echo who were ease dropping from afar.

"Ooh let me guess we're talking about the General" Jex chuckled, seeing Nara's face.

"Come on Ashoka" Nara growled, as she grabbed the Jedi by the arm "we can't leave padmae waiting to long"

She said practically running out the door.

Fives turned to Jesse with an evil grin on his face. Echo noticed this and cocked a brow.

"What are you up to"?

"Oh my dear echo, what ever do you mean" fives cooed.


"Ow, please tell me we're almost done" Nara wiggled in her chair.

Padmae laughed "that was just nail polish, have you never have your nails painted"

Nara looked down slightly in shame " honestly senator when you fight a war your entire life, it doesn't leave much room for anything else" she sighed. "Plus I'm not really that girly".

"Padmae took Nara hands in hers and smiled at the trooper.

"Well I can help fix that for tonight if you'll let me" padmae smiled.

"Just say yes Nara otherwise she may strap you to that chair" Ashoka yelled from her chair prison.

Nara chuckled slightly "I'd be honoured senator"

"Well then, let's see what's colour would" she paused "what colour dose your battalion wear"

Nara smiled as if remembering an old memory

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