The dance ( commander colt x reader)

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" before you say anything my bike broke down" I pointed to the overheated pile of metal on the ground that hissed and jerked with anger

The twi'lek woman that held the door open to 79's ,was ripping my soul apart with her fiery gaze.

" and here I thought all Jedi were lucky"Seanna mused drumming her fingers along her hip .

" Not this Jedi" I huffed.

The bike collapsed, proving my point further.

Seanna raised her brow" didn't you say your sister was going to lend you a bike? I thought senators were supposed to be wealthy. She stated.

" To be fair she asked Anakin to lend it to me" I shrugged.

She nodded her head " and here I thought padme loved you"

" seanna"!

" What I'm just saying,that man has a death wish," she shrugged.

" Well you're not wrong" I mused.

She shook her head " come on the boys are waiting for you" she opened the door further to let me inside.

" about time I thought I was gonna freeze out here" I exaggerated

She rolled her eyes " Get in before I change my mind".

" yes ma'am" I saluted cheekily, earning a warning look.

As soon as my feet made their way into the doorway I could almost feel seanna's disapproving stare.

" what are you wearing"?

I looked down at my ripped, mud stained robes and smiled sheepishly as I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. " Fashion"?

" if that's fashion then I'm the chanocler" she sighed " you're not wearing that in my club".

" Well I don't have anything else, so ripped robes and messy hair it is" I argued tucking my hairpin in place.

Seanna seemed to ponder for a minute before an idea sprung into her head " hang on a sec I might have something"

" I'm not wearing anything revealing" I yelled.

" you've got nothing to reveal" she yelled back,

I bit my lip "you little-"

" I've got it"! She yelled back. In her hand she held a long red bodysuit with a deep plunge neckline and the puffiest sleeves I had ever seen. Padmae would have been jealous, I on the other hand was nearly going blind from the sparkles on the red fabric.

"you're joking right?" I asked, crossing my arms.

" nope" she placed the outfit down on the vanity beside her.

" I can't wear that!"

" Yes you can and you will, besides Fives told me your favourite colour was red" she shrugged.

I raised my brow " Did he now ?"

" Yes," she said .

I had recently told fives I had taken a liking to the colour red after I had hung around commander colt who was one of my friends who's armour just so happened to be red .He never let me live it down afterwards by teasing me about it.

" this wouldn't have anything to do with Colt, would it?" I frowned, thinking of how screwed I would be if he caught me here, plus he would rat me out to sha ti.

She averted my gaze "not at all"

I raised my brow. " Seanna"?

" oh look at the time we have to get you dressed" she carefully shoved the outfit into my arms.

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