beach day mischief

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author note: this was requested by @rockstar_hannahk hope you enjoy :)

" yay I don't really like drowning it's not good for my health"

Harvey frowned as Nara towered over him, smirking in her 5'10 glory.

" Come on, a little water isn't going to kill you" she sighed.

" Harvey looked around her hip to see her brothers having a competitive game of chicken in the water, Jesse and Fives had managed to knock over Echo and Hardcase who seemed to be currently drowning beneath the waves as they yelled out in defeat.

" you never know it might". He perplexed.

Nara sighed deeply. " don't tell me the legendary Harvey Dios is afraid of getting his hair wet"?

Harvey shot up a brow and smirked " you think I'm legendary"

Nara scoffed her cheek turning crimson " pfft in your dreams General, now come on the water is calling us. Look, even Hard Case is in the ocean and he's afraid of sharks.

Harvey watched as Hardcase wadded through the water, a small scream left his lips. Nara and Harvey watched as a frantic Kix ran in to save the trooper in distress only to find out it was a piece of kelp and not jaws. To say the least, Kix was not amused.

Nara cringed " ok maybe not the best example, but hey at least Kix is swimming now" she grinned

Harvey rolled his eyes " I'm still not going in"

Nara snapped her head to Harvey so fast she could have snapped her neck.

" is that a challenge General Dios" she smirked with devilish intent.

Harvey gulped, he was doomed she had used his full title, that was never good.

" No"?

A dark chuckle left Nara's lips.

" challenge accepted"


" Rex I need your help" Nara exclaimed, throwing her hand up in the air.

Rex frowned as he dropped a bucket of sand beside Anakin's head.

"Who, why, and What are you planning on torturing?" he sighed, crossing his arms across his chest. Ashoka curiously poked her head out from the sand pile that was currently covering a sleeping Skywalker's body.

" I wanna throw Harvey-" Nara deadpanned.

Rex didn't even hesitate.

" I'm in so what do we do"

Ashoka choked on her spit holding back her laughter.

" you didn't even let me finish"! Nara exclaimed.

" You said we were throwing Dios, that's all the convincing I need" Rex stated.

" unbelievable"! Nara groaned.

Ashoka could be heard chuckling in the background.

" and here I thought you were a play by the rules guy" Ashoka smirked, placing another pile of sand on Anakin's chest.

" says the padawan who is burying their master alive" he mused.

Ashoka shrugged " master obi wan said it was ok"

The group laughed..

" So what is our plan of attack?" Rex asked.

Nara's lips twisted in a defiantly grin " we're gonna need rope"


" there we go and done"! Nara dusted her sandy palms off on her thighs. She stood back admiring the trap.

" You think it will work," Rex said.

" it should" Nara shrugged.

"And if it doesn't"

" nah it will work".

" have some faith rexter" Ashoka mused.

Rex sighed and moved with the two behind a mound of sand, waiting for the glorious moment Harvey would fall into their trap.

Unfortunately Rex would have to wait.

Dogma strolled up the beach with a towel in his hand and the latest copy of data reports tucked safely under arm. The group went pale as they watched him make his way towards the trap completely oblivious to the fact his life was in danger.

" Dogma lookout" Ashoka screamed.

" Hmm, oh no"

The group watched as he stepped onto the trigger wire setting off the cogs. The rope around his feet tightened pulling him into the air. A loud scream could be heard as data booklets and towels went everywhere as poor dogma was launched across the beach and into the freezing cold waters below.

A scream could be heard from down below as the group peered over the sandy edge

" What the hell "!

" sorry" Rex cringed.

Nara and Ashoka however were howling with laughter.


" alright plan 30"! Nara announced.

" What happened to plans 1-29?" Rex asked, cocking his brow.

" Ask Kix, he's currently attending to them as we speak," she mused.

"Poor Echo" Ashoka winced.

"Ok so how are we going to get Harvey in the water?" Nara looked across the beach to see the green jedi had sprawled out across the sand on a turquoise beach towel. "He clearly is a master of evading my plans"

Rex seemed to ponder a moment " wait, why didn't i think of this" .

"What- wait what are you doing, REX!"

He scooped nara up bridal style and ran across the beach as fast as his legs would take him and chucked her into the freezing cold water.

" General the commander is drowning, I need your assistance"! Rex yelled frantically, his acting skills were coming in handy.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Nara glaring at him from behind a curtain of damp hair.

Harvey came rushing down the beach ripping off his shirt and shoes as he went. He stopped just before the edge of the water.

"Where is she, Rex, did she go under?" he asked frantically.


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