Never have drinks with Fives

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This was requested by starfire7xl

Nara rubbed her head groggily as her eyes adjusted to the lighting in the room. Her head pounded as she sat up in the bed. She groaned as she rubbed her hair out of her face, pushing it back.That's what you get for going out with Fives to seventy nine she thought as her head pounded. She stumbled slightly as she reached for the night side table for a glass of water. What she didn't expect however was the groan that came underneath the blankets. She suddenly became very sober and alert.

She looked around the room in a frantic daze as she took in her surroundings.

This was not her room and this most certainly was not her bed. She repressed a scream as blankets were pulled back to reveal a very disheveled and hungover Harvey. Oh this can't be happening, she thought. She looked down at herself to find she was wearing a pair of shorts and one of Harvey's robes.

oh for force sake.

She could feel her will to live slowly leaving her body.

" Nara" she could hear Harvey's morning voice.

Well there it went.

Nara turned to take in the full view of Harvey. He wore nothing but a pair of brown boxers with the Yoda print on the fabric exposing his toned upper body (not that she minded) . She wondered if master yoga had forced all male Jedi to wear them or if Harvey was just a fan boy. Secondly she noticed his very bright red cheeks.

" ahhhhhh"

She quickly grabbed a pillow and shoved it into his face.

" What am I doing in your bed?" she yelled.

" Mmmph"

" General"? Nara frowned slowly, moving the pillow away.

"1. Why are you in my bed 2. Is that my shirt?" he asked slowly.

Nara felt her cheeks darken .

Harvey cleared his throat " not that I mind... I mean it's great.. no I mean I'm just confused as to how I got so lucky.. I mean ugh just end me"

Nara stifled a groan of embarrassment and moved towards him, burying her face in his chest. He looked down at her, completely flustered.

" Well if you must know I have no idea I just woke up and the next thing I know I am under the covers with you" she groaned.

Harvey smiled shyly " is that a bad thing" he asked giving a lopsided grin.

Nara laughed tracing her fingers through his hair " no your rather comfy" she sighed.

" knock" " knock "

Nara's body stiffened as Harvey glupped.

" General may I come in, it's important sir"

It was Fang.

Nara quickly scrambled off of Harvey making the poor man panic as she slipped off the bed face first into the metal floor.


" sir"?

"Kriff" Nara groaned.

Harvey peered over the bed " are you ok" he whispered. Nara simply put her thumb up sarcastically.

" Sir, I'm coming in," Fang said frantically .

" Hold on Fang just-" Harvey protested but he was too late.

Nara's eyes widened as she locked eyes with her brother. He quickly took in the scene before him and gave an awkward cough .

" Should I come back?" he mused .

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