Paint bandit

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Rex frowned looking up from his data pad as he took in the sight before him. Echo and Kix wiggled around uncomfortably in front of their captains gaze.

"What did you do"?

Rex sounded like a broken record in his ears. He must have said that line at least a dozen times a day. Kix went to speak but was at a loss of words even Echo had trouble speaking.

Rex raised his brows taking a closer look a the two men in front of his doorway. They had small purple and blue bruises across their heads, arms, pretty much everywhere. And where their was a bruise their was a splatter of blue paint.

"Care to explain this gentle man"

"Two words" kix sighed looking at Echo.

"She armed"


Fives was wandering the halls looking For spades and Echo hopping to do some firing practice or play a game of poker, Which ever one came first he wasn't picky. As He ventured deeper into the hall way he realized that he hadn't heard any noises in some time, in fact the hallway was eerily quite. He fingered his dc-17 blasters at his hips instinctively, if he was gonna get jumped he might as have a fighting chance. The ship creaked slightly making him jump like a spooked loth cat.

"Who's there, hardcase?, Jesse?, beetle juice"?

A stinging pain ripped through his shoulders as he was repeatedly hit . Blue paint splattered across his body as the sound of a gun going off was the only thing he could hear.

"Holy kriff"!

Fives ran screaming down the hallway covering his head as he tried to get cover.

A mischievous laugh could be heard behind him, it almost sounded feminine. Finally making it to the door way he hid in the corner as three more objects shot towards him. He looked over his armour, blue splotches of paint with a weird fish like smell covered his body. He dipped his fingers into the weird substance and winced feeling a growing bruise on his forearm.

"What is this"

He frowned.

"And better yet who's hunting me down"

He moved his head around the corner, his head barley poking out. A high pitched whistling sound could be heard before an object smacked him in the forehead taking him off his feet and onto the ground out cold.


Rex wanted to be sympathetic he really did but he couldn't stop laughing. He had found Fives completely passed out in the hallway covered in bruises and blotches of blue paint. Rex grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him roughly.

"Fives, get up brother"

"Five more minutes mom" Fives slurred.

Rex lips flattened as his face contorted into an unamused gaze.

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that"

Fives eyes shot open.


"Good morning Fives, Care to tell me why you were passed out in the hallway. Don't tell me jesse got you drunk again" Rex mused, he was getting to much pleasure out of this.

" I wish" he groaned.

Rex raised his brow.

" I mean I wish I could tell you who did this but I never saw the culprit. But they sure left their mark" he groaned rubbing his forehead.

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