Trooper tales for the sleepy Jedi

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Hera stumbled into the mess hall like a zombie. The last mission had taken a toll on her and frankly she was having trouble sleeping. The loud nosies from the mess hall rung in her ears as the sounds of troopers talked merrily talked to one another echoed across the room. How could they be so cheery at five in the morning?

She made her way to the fresh pot of coffee hoping to drink herself back to life when Jex abruptly stopped her.

"You shouldn't drink this commander your two young"

She raised her brow and gave him an unamused look.

"Technically I'm older than you"

"Not in clone years" he argued.

She sighed .

"Jex your one year younger than I am"

She once again reached for the warm cup of coffee, when her hands were stopped once again, not by Jex but by spades.

"Commander you shouldn't drink that your far to young, here try this instead" in his hand he held a juice box .

She stared at him completely dumbfounded.

" we're literally the same age"!

"I'm sorry commander but as the padwan protection squad we cannot let you drink this dangerous drink your two young" Jex protested.

Spades frowned turning to Jex who had a motherly expression on his face.

"No one calls us that please stop"

"WE ARE THE PADWAN PROTECTION SQUAD" Jex excailmed his eyes twinkled with wonder.

Spades smacked his forehead.

Hera looked at the troopers with drooping eyes, the bags under her eyes were visible.

"Hey commander your alright your don't look so good" spades asked quite concerned.

Hera shook her head " maybe that's because I'm more depress ò. V then espresso "

Spades looked at her unamused.

" no coffee"

" oh come on please"

He didn't reply instead he shoved the juice book into her hands and proceed to guide her over to a table of familiar faces. Nara watched as Jex and spades escorted a grumpy looking Hera who sucked on her juice book furiously.

"Hey kid you ok"

"Never doing better I mean I've got a juice box what could possible make me any happier, oh I know how about a warm cup of wake me up" she grinned eagerly towards Jex and spades who both shook their head.

She sighed going back to sipping her straw.

The group of men around her laughed.

"I take it the padwan protection squad had gotten to work" Rex mused.

"I told you people would start calling us that" Jex excailmed.

Spades buried his face into his gloved hands.

Hera nodded " they work fast"

Nara laughed

"I take it you've had tourble sleeping"

" did the need for caffeine give it away"? Hera asked groggily.

" more like the bags under you eyes sir"

" oh" she frowned.

" hey I might have something that might make you feel better"

The padwans eyes seemed to spark with wondered as her doe like eyes widened.

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