pirates of the republic pt 5

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Authors note:  I will try to get the last chapter for this short story inspired by the pirates of the Caribbean up soon. other than that please enjoy :)

Nara felt the slithering snake of jealousy curl in her stomach as she eyed the General. His dazzling outfit of emerald gold and sapphire jewels shunned brightly against his white uniform. He had slicked back his wild locks of light brown hair In a respectable style that suited him, she couldn't remember him styling it when they were together, it was handsome though. However, the one thing she noticed was the young twi'lek women flirting with him. Why this bothered her, she couldn't say, but it tugged at her emotions like an annoying mockingbird calling her. She shoved the feeling away in frustration, she couldn't be bothered to deal with her emotions when all that mattered at that moment was saving her family, and if she could, kill Dooku.

" Are you lost my dear"

The cold chilling tone of the older man's voice sent a shiver down her spine.

She turned to face the gentleman who called her and felt as if she had looked death in the face.

" Count Dooku, thank you for your concern but I am not lost. I am simply enjoying the party from afar" she stated sweetly.

" What a shame I hear the company here is quite inviting, would you care to join me my dear?" he smiled, reaching his hand out for her to take.

Nara wanted to run and hide and forget this whole ordeal together.

" It would be an honor count," she said, smiling.

There was no going back.

She placed her hand into his cold palm, which grasped her hand firmly. Dooku led her towards the stairs and the two descended towards the floor where the others were waiting.


Harvey smiled as the young twi'lek gushed over the party and the people who attended. Though he felt like he was drowning in her words. The only reason she was talking to him in the first place, was the fact he was pretending to be a Duke. he wished he had chosen another cover, perhaps a servant.

" come on Nara, where are you?'' He groaned to himself, wishing the young pirate would intervene and save him.

" So have you come with anyone tonight, my dear duke," the twi'lek asked, with a flutter of her lashes.

It took Harvey a moment before he could choke the sarcastic comment in his throat begging to come up.

" Yes I am, unfortunately, she seems to be running late," he sighed.

" oh," the twi'lek frowned. ''Well, I'm more than happy to entertain you till she arrives" she smiled.

Harvey nodded " thank y-"

" Duke"?

The young twi'lek frowned, Turing to see what had caught her newest attraction's eye.

Harvey's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Nara travel down the steps. Perhaps another time he would have admired the way she looked in the floor-length royal blue gown she wore. But fear had struck him to the core when he noticed her escort was none other than Dooku himself.

" Would that be her, your grace" the twi'lek huffed?

Harvey nodded swallowing his feelings of despair " yes"

" it seems she knows how to make an entrance"

" Yes, it does," he sighed.


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