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⌦ 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔
⌦ 𝑡𝑤𝑠: 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑒, 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑, 𝑖𝑛𝑗𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1465


Dark. Cold. Jisung didn't see anything, but black, not even a single light dot. Cold air surrounded him, making him shiver, but still he didn't slow down.

He was running. He ran so fast he could feel his legs being ripped off. He ran, because he was chased.

Step after step, Jisung could feel himself getting weaker. No, he couldn't stop. He couldn't be reached; he needed to get to Minho before it was too late.

A cold wind hit his pale face. His hair was dirty, a little too long for his liking, always getting in front of his sight. His clothes torn and ripped. His skin was pale and bloody, scratches, scars and bruises in different sizes covering his skin.

He was tired. Physically and emotionally. But no, he wasn't going to stop, not now not ever, not when he needed to get to Minho. Minho was hurting. They were hurting him. He was in danger.

Jisung didn't even know where he was running to anymore. His feet were moving unconsciously and dragging his body after. He was so tired and out of breath.

His lungs were hurting for trying to gasp and gulp much needed air. Air, which was turning suffocating, thin and cold.

"Minho! Minh-" He started calling, but-

Suddenly, he was met with a cold and hard ground underneath him. His chest hurt. His head hurt. Every inch of his body was hurting and begging him to lie down and rest. To close his eyes, take a deep breath and- No, he wasn't going rest now. He has a mission to do. He needed to find Minho.

With weak, shaking legs, Jisung go up. He wiped a little bit of dirt off his clothes and then looked around him in the darkness. Trying to see something. Maybe hear something. Maybe smell something. Just to know something.

Then he saw something. No, someone. There was a body lying in a good distance, under a little dim light that was shining from above, surrounding the body.

Jisung didn't even realize when he started to walk towards the body. He walked slowly and quietly, walking around the body to see the person's face.

There was a wave of relief washing over Jisung as he recognized the person. Minho. It was Minho. Finally.

"Minho?" Jisung called, but didn't get a response.

He crouched on the ground and kneeled next to Minho, trying to see his face better.

Minho didn't look any better than Jisung. Dirty and torn clothes, his hair was a mess and skin bloody and covered with wounds and bruises which looked pretty fresh.

"Minho..." Jisung quietly said.

He felt something wet under him. He brought his hand on the ground next to him and touched the liquid and then brought it up, so he could see what it was.

It was blood. Red, fresh and stinky. Jisung strated to panic. He tried to see where it was coming but didn't see any bigger wound on himself, that was bleeding that much. So, if the blood wasn't his... it was Minhos?

Jisung started to panic even more. He was so afraid.

"M-Minho...? H-hey, wake u-up, please, Minho" Jisung started shaking Minho by his shoulders, but got no response. He turned Minho into lying on his back and then Jisung noticed the huge blood stain on Minhos white shirt, right at his stomach.

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