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⌦ 𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔
⌦ 𝑡𝑤𝑠: 𝑠𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠, 𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑚
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1919


Jeongin breathes heavily as he climbs the stairs all the way up to the 4th floor of the familiar apartment building. The damned elevator is out of use again, therefore Jeongin didn't have a choice but choose the stairs. He's carrying his backpack on his back whilst his other hand is carrying a paper back. A little surprise for his belobed hyung.

As he reaches the destined floor, he takes a moment to catch his breath, before he heads to the familiar corridor. That is until he stops in front of one of the doors. He knocks. Knocks again, but the door stays closed. Odd.

You see, every once in a while, when his hyung gets like this, his anxiety distorting his thoughts and causing him overthink, Jeongin feels the burning desire to cheer his hyung up and be there for him. Jeongin doesn't have the same classes as his hyung but he knows enough people who do have the same classes and are helpful enough to give all the necessary notes, assignments and other stuff for Jisung. Therefore, Jeongin doesn't have to worry about that. He does though. He worries. All the time. Abd it's not like his hyung had any energy either during his lows. Jeongin ends up helping him with that too. Not that he minds.

If his hyung's lows are lasting longer than they do in average, Jeongin usually goes and buys something sweet for him from that one bakery down the street that he knows his hyung likes so much. Jeongin thinks that sweet stuff suits his Jisung hyung. Sweet things for a sweet person.

Jeongin can't help the helpless feeling inside him though. He tries but it's not always enough. He's determined to try harder. That's why he has a plan B in a pocket of his backpack. He puts the paper bag down and makes sure it doesn't fall over. He can't have that. Then he slides his backpack off of his back and digs through it until he finds something that jingles and jangles.

Jeongin thanks his past self for forcing his hyung to give him the spare key. His hyung's dormmate isn't the best roommate in the world but he's bearable. He doesn't really look after Jisung nor does he understand. He isn't the most responsible guy out there. That's why Jeongin isn't about to ask his help any time soon and that's why he got the spare key.

He breaks in, or at least it feels like it. He kicks his shoes off and sets his backpack next to them.

The apartment is dim, curtains on the way of precious and bright light of the autumnal friday afternoon. The sun doesn't really warm up anything at this time of year and it's pretty chilly outside, but at least the darkest nor the coldest times aren't here yet.

Jeongin makes his way inside. It's quiet. The air in the apartment is dusty and stuffy, as if no one hadn't been here in forever. The place isn't the tidiest place either. Jeongin sighs but not really with any negative feeling behind it. Maybe he could wash the dishes that he sees messily piling up in the kitchen sink and around it on the counter. Maybe he should take the trash out, vacuum a bit, do some laundry. Just something little. He feels the need to do it. To help his friend.

That can wait for a little bit since he's got things prioritized.

He sets the paper back onto the kitchen table. Then makes his way to find his hyung.

The door of the other's room is closed. Not that Jeongin has expected it to be something else. He knocks and speaks not to scare the other and to let him know it's just him.

"Hannie hyung? It's me, Jeongin" he says quietly, almost a whisper. The apartment is so quiet though he's sure the other hears him if he's not asleep or buried under dozens of blankets.

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